Revision [25443]

This is an old revision of Puppy53 made by darkcity on 2013-01-05 06:19:06.


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Slacko Main Page

What is Slacko?
Slacko is a series of Puppy releases (5.3+ with the code name Slacko), uses the latest Puppy Woof Woof 2 build code, programs and scripts. It has high Slackware binary software packages compatibility (hence is a Spup). It was created by the lead developer Micko and the community. Including months of testing, upgrades and updates. Includes hardware recognition, programs and scripts unique to Puppy. (Not to be confused with Barry's PrecisePuppy Precise Puppy 5.4x).

Slacko Puppy 5.3.3 offers something for everyone, whether for work or play, all in under 115 megabytes!

Slacko releases
Puppy54 Slacko 5.4 - Slackware 14 compatibility thread

Puppy531 Slacko 5.3.1 - Slackware 13.37 compatibility

Slacko Derivatives

Also on Wiki
Puppy5Index Puppy 5 index - Lucid and Slacko
PrecisePuppy - Precise by BarryK

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