Revision [14582]

This is an old revision of Puppy53 made by CrustyLobster on 2011-05-16 07:43:52.


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The choice of which distro's packages are used is not really up to me. It is really a question of who will "run with the ball". playdayz had the determination and stamina to bring Lucid Puppy to release status and to coordinate a series of upgrades. Now he wants a rest and that is well-earned.
It was playdayz who choose Ubuntu packages, and the choice for the next Puppy (5.3) is also up to whoever is going to manage it.
Barry K full message

What I envision is a stable puppy based on the latest Slackware-13.37 optimised for size and speed which can run on an old clunker (say a p3 600, 256 RAM) and the latest 64 bit arch machines, while supporting a wide range of internal and peripheral hardware Mick Amadio (01Micko)

Puppy 5.3 Forum thread second pre alpha is done

SneakyLinux Intro to Puppy 5.3
Spot the Puppy promo video
Promotional video
Promotional video 2

Audio Pawedcast
ogg format aprox. 3MB better quality
MP3 format aprox. 3MB

Features 0f 5.3

Spot the Puppy

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