Revision [14017]
This is an old revision of Puppy53 made by CrustyLobster on 2011-04-17 22:52:44.
What I envision is a stable puppy based on the latest Slackware-13.37 (due any day now) optimised for size and speed which can run on an old clunker (say a p3 600, 256 RAM) and the latest 64 bit arch machines, while supporting a wide range of internal and peripheral hardware Mick Amadio
Mick Amadio (01mick - main support developer on Lucid) Unconfirmed Chief Developer
Jay (puppyLuvr) - Compiling something...A cute GUI...backgrounds and icons...themes
Nooby, dejan555 - testing
Iguleder - ideas and creativity ... maybe some packages and code
sc0ttman - a few GUIs, make a few PETs, testing, etc...
Lobster - promotion/publicity
Ian Milgrew - I would love to support Puppy 5.3 so just let me know how I can help and I'll do the best that I can.
To Do
- test current spup just for a taste
- create and host bug tracker eg. itrack-bug-tracker
- drum up support using PM, IRC
- create logo
- develop wiki page (that is this one) UsingThisWiki register with raffy
for access if planning to contribute to wiki
Time Line
- pre alpha ready at least a week after Patrick releases Slackware 13.37
- BK approval
Promotional video
Audio Pawedcast
ogg format aprox. 3MB better quality
MP3 format aprox. 3MB
- Built from latest Spup Woof (Slackware compatibility)
- Min spec P3 600 with 256 RAM
- 32bit and 64bit versions
- Goal of under 100MB ISO using xz compression built into 2.6.8 series kernels, with "200 line patch"
- Porteus module compatibility
- KDE Trinity support as module
- Gettext being used in all GUI scripts for internationalization
- Bug tracking
- Quickpet and other programs updated as provided
- Transmission Transmission bit torrent and Chat programs return
- Most secure Puppy ever.
- If possible, Firewall on by default
- Browser run as spot (non root running)
- Security dialogue on first booting, education rather than FUD, unmounting, benefits of encryption, use of passwords, running from DVD benefits etc.
- Panic button, disconnect from internet
- Enhanced snapshot by radky
- Automatic 'personal storage file growth'/movement into a swap file
- Sorting out Browser/Flash incompatibilities on AMD dual core processors