Revision history for IRC

Revision [21383]

Last edited on 2012-04-25 17:00:53 by darkcity

==Puppy Linux IRC Rules==
~**Use of the [[ Freenode]]-hosted channel is subject to [[ Freenode's policies]] //and// [[ guidelines]].**

~Please also observe the few rules below (Yes, we need these, no one is exempt):
~~1) Be polite - no abusive or obscene language will be tolerated.
~~2) Respect the users in the chat. Operators (admins) are indicated with the color Green or an @ symbol next to their nick, private message them about issues with other users (note this is the only time you may break rule 4)
~~3) If you are unsure about anything related to IRC ask questions, we will assist you to the best of our abilities.
~~4) Sending //unsolicited// Private Messages is not allowed. (But it is fine if you ask politely to PM first and your offer is accepted.)
~~5) If you think you were treated unfairly or have other major issues, please send a [[ Private Message via the main forum]] to [[JeyRey J_Rey]] or an e-mail to Anacari (AKA T260G/^Cricket^) at kenji @ (Note: We will at least need the Nick of the person whom you wish to log a complaint against.) The other operator that can help with daily issues is Dejan (AKA daysleeper555/dejan555 - email: dejan at b0x dot me
~~6) Personal bots are not allowed. Ask for an exception; if an exception is made then it must have a '_bot' tag appended to the Nick. Any bot without it will be kicked.
~~7) Cloning, i.e. more than one client logged in from the same address, is also discouraged especially if on the same computer.
~~8) To promote community & goodwill - Off-topic chatting is permitted if it doesn't directly affect support on #puppylinux irc channel.
~~9) Multiple conversations & all languages are welcome. If there is more than one conversation going on at the same time please address the person to whom you are speaking, e.g. J_Rey: How many was there?

==Language Translations for IRC==
~Although English is the primary language used, please go ahead and speak directly in your native language, but if no one responds, you may need to use an online translation tool to help with English communication. Write in your native language, translate with the Babel Fish website, then copy English text to post in IRC #puppylinux chat room.

~~Use [[ Babel Fish]] or [[ Google Translate]] to translate a block of copied text from the IRC Chat to your native language.
~~en Espanol traduzca un bloque de texto copiado de la charla del IRC a su lengua materna.
~~In italiano traduca un blocco di testo copiato dalla chiacchierata del IRC alla vostra lingua madre.
~~In het Nederlands vertaal een blok van gekopi�ërde teksten van het Praatje IRC aan uw moedertaal.
~~En français traduisez un bloc de texte copié de la causerie d'IRC à votre langue maternelle.
~~Auf deutsch übersetzen Sie einen Block des kopierten Textes vom IRC-Schwätzchen zu Ihrer Muttersprache.
~~""Ελληνικά μεταφράστε έναν φραγμό του αντιγραμμένου κειμένου από τη συνομιλία IRC στη μητρική γλώσσα σας.""
~~""日本語 IRCの雑談からのあなたの自国語にコピーされたテキストのブロックを翻訳しなさい。""
~~""한국어 IRC 잡담에서 당신의 모국어로 베껴진 원본의 구획을 번역하십시오.""
~~Em português traduza um bloco de texto copiado do bate-papo do IRC a sua língua nativa.
~~""По-русски переведите блок скопированного текста от бормотушк IRC к вашему родному языку.""

==Using Web-based Clients==
~SearchIRC offers [[ another Java chat]] that requires [[ Java]] & [[ JavaScript]]. Make sure to click on the **#puppylinux** link for it to popup the new chat window.

You may also use the normal [[ Freenode Web Chat]] site and most any somewhat modern browser. You may either enter any nickname you wish but to [[ use a Freenode registered nickname]] then check the box for Auth to services and also enter your username and password. There's also the secure [[ Freenode Web Chat]] which sometimes doesn't stay connected as long.

~[[Ayttm]] is used in the Puppy 4.3.//x// series.

==Related Pages==
~[[ Ayttm homepage]]

This setup is for [[X-Chat XChat]] 1.8; other versions of X-Chat may vary.
- Download X-Chat
- Use the PupGet Package Manager under Setup from the Puppy menu
- Run Xchat by going to the Start menu -> Internet -> XChat
- Click on **New Server** button
//Add the following info://
- **Name:** ""FreeNode""
- **Server:**
- **Nickname:** [yournickname] e.g. Ozboomer, ""Rhino""
- **Connect Cmd:** /join #puppylinux
- Select Autoconnect if you want to enter the Puppy Channel each time you start X-chat
- Click on OK
// Now each time you run Xchat from rxvt or the menu you will enter the Puppy Linux IRC channel//
If you just want to use X-Chat for Puppy: When the X-Chat: Server List dialogue comes up, click on **No ""ServerList"" on startup**
Drag an X-Chat icon onto the desktop from /usr/local/bin

{{image url="" }}

[[ Pidgin]]
''[[ Watch a Flash video on setting up Pidgin (Gaim) for IRC]]'' or:
1) Open Pidgin
1) Click on Add account.
1) Change the protocol to IRC
1) Enter a screen name... eg IceUser
1) Change the Server to
1) Click Buddies...Add Chat
1) In the Channel Box add...#puppylinux
1) Put a checkmark in Auto-Login if you want to go to the Puppy IRC Chat EVERY time you open Pidgin. Otherwise, leave Auto-Login blank.blank.

//or// if you've already started using Gaim
1) Add Screen name
1) Click Save.
1) Click sign on
1) Click on your Buddy List...Buddies...Add Chat
1) Select your IRC (****) account
1) In the Channel Box add...#puppylinux
1) Click on Add.
1) Right Click on IRC-#puppylinux in the Buddy List window and set to Auto-Join. This will automatically join the #puppylinux channel anytime you connect to

""ChatZilla"" is not included with the "1.8b1.5" Mozilla release included with recent versions. Although it could be installed later.

Install it with an existing Firefox, Mozilla, or ""SeaMonkey"" install (if needed):
- Goto
- Select **Install Now**
- Restart browser

Get it started:
1) Run Chatzilla (via Window menu and under IRC Chat or icon in bottom left corner)
1) Type **/attach**
1) Type **/join #puppylinux**

Or you can create a bookmark for the Puppy Linux channel by editing an existing bookmark that you don't want anymore:
1) Bookmarks menu -> Manage Bookmarks
1) Right-click the bookmark to be replaced
1) Select 'Properties'
1) Replace the old name with something like: Puppy Linux IRC Chatroom
1) Replace the Location with irc://
1) Click 'OK' to save changes and there you go!

==Opera IRC==
The short story: type irc:// in the address box and press enter.
The long story:
- Select Chat and List rooms from menu
- Add name and email
- Select an IRC server ( for Puppy)
- Choose new room //#puppylinux//

==={{color text="Once Connected" c="black"}}===
{{image url="" title="connect graphic" alt="connect graphic"}}

==={{color text="Registering a Nick name" c="black"}}===
Click on Freenode
**/nick mynickname**
where **nickname** is your preferred name
(you will be prompted if not available)

Then register that preference by typing
/msg nickserv REGISTER <password> <email>
adding your preferred password and email
like so
**/msg nickserv REGISTER mypassword**

you will then get an email
and you can then follow the instructions
to complete registration

==={{color text="Hints and tips on using IRC (Gaim specific but helpful)" c="black"}}===
1) When using Gaim across several networks (Yahoo, MSN, IRC, etc.) simultaneously I find the Auto-login to every network rather cumbersome. My personal preference is to set all of my accounts so I have to manually log in.
1) When you open Gaim, instead of selecting a specific account and then clicking the sign in button, I click the ACCOUNTS button and then place a checkmark in the ONLINE button of each account I wish to use during that Gaim session. This way you only have one instance of Gaim with several network windows, rather than 3 instances of Gaim with 1 network each.
1) When chatting on multiple channels, if someone types something, that channel tab text will turn red (or another color) letting you know that someone is talking there.
1) You may hold a private conversation with someone by double clicking their name. This opens a new window where you and that person may chat "backchannel". //See rule #4 above!//
1) Gaim and others have a nice file-sharing system called DCC. If you want/need to share a file, it is nice to open a private conversation to discuss the file, then right click the recipients name and select send file. They will only receive the file if they accept it. IT IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA TO SET YOUR DCC TO AUTO-ACCEPT.
1) Some channels have "bots". Bots are applications that loiter on an IRC channel to keep it open, log visitors, play trivia games with you, etc. Don't chat with them...they don't talk back. Wink Bots may be programmed to be malicious however, so be careful.
1) Some IRC servers parade your IP address for everyone to see by using a simple /whois command. Puppy is a nice OS in that if you have your firewall on, it appears relatively "invisible" and doesn't seem to respond to ping attempts.
1) See [[]] for lots more info about using IRC.

==Related Pages==
~[[WikiPedia:Internet_Relay_Chat IRC on Wikipedia]]


Revision [21355]

Edited on 2012-04-25 16:21:02 by darkcity
Please see [[ChatRoom Chat Room]].
==Puppy Linux IRC Rules==
~**Use of the [[ Freenode]]-hosted channel is subject to [[ Freenode's policies]] //and// [[ guidelines]].**
~Please also observe the few rules below (Yes, we need these, no one is exempt):
~~1) Be polite - no abusive or obscene language will be tolerated.
~~2) Respect the users in the chat. Operators (admins) are indicated with the color Green or an @ symbol next to their nick, private message them about issues with other users (note this is the only time you may break rule 4)
~~3) If you are unsure about anything related to IRC ask questions, we will assist you to the best of our abilities.
~~4) Sending //unsolicited// Private Messages is not allowed. (But it is fine if you ask politely to PM first and your offer is accepted.)
~~5) If you think you were treated unfairly or have other major issues, please send a [[ Private Message via the main forum]] to [[JeyRey J_Rey]] or an e-mail to Anacari (AKA T260G/^Cricket^) at kenji @ (Note: We will at least need the Nick of the person whom you wish to log a complaint against.) The other operator that can help with daily issues is Dejan (AKA daysleeper555/dejan555 - email: dejan at b0x dot me
~~6) Personal bots are not allowed. Ask for an exception; if an exception is made then it must have a '_bot' tag appended to the Nick. Any bot without it will be kicked.
~~7) Cloning, i.e. more than one client logged in from the same address, is also discouraged especially if on the same computer.
~~8) To promote community & goodwill - Off-topic chatting is permitted if it doesn't directly affect support on #puppylinux irc channel.
~~9) Multiple conversations & all languages are welcome. If there is more than one conversation going on at the same time please address the person to whom you are speaking, e.g. J_Rey: How many was there?
==Language Translations for IRC==
~Although English is the primary language used, please go ahead and speak directly in your native language, but if no one responds, you may need to use an online translation tool to help with English communication. Write in your native language, translate with the Babel Fish website, then copy English text to post in IRC #puppylinux chat room.
~~Use [[ Babel Fish]] or [[ Google Translate]] to translate a block of copied text from the IRC Chat to your native language.
~~en Espanol traduzca un bloque de texto copiado de la charla del IRC a su lengua materna.
~~In italiano traduca un blocco di testo copiato dalla chiacchierata del IRC alla vostra lingua madre.
~~In het Nederlands vertaal een blok van gekopi�ërde teksten van het Praatje IRC aan uw moedertaal.
~~En français traduisez un bloc de texte copié de la causerie d'IRC à votre langue maternelle.
~~Auf deutsch übersetzen Sie einen Block des kopierten Textes vom IRC-Schwätzchen zu Ihrer Muttersprache.
~~""Ελληνικά μεταφράστε έναν φραγμό του αντιγραμμένου κειμένου από τη συνομιλία IRC στη μητρική γλώσσα σας.""
~~""日本語 IRCの雑談からのあなたの自国語にコピーされたテキストのブロックを翻訳しなさい。""
~~""한국어 IRC 잡담에서 당신의 모국어로 베껴진 원본의 구획을 번역하십시오.""
~~Em português traduza um bloco de texto copiado do bate-papo do IRC a sua língua nativa.
~~""По-русски переведите блок скопированного текста от бормотушк IRC к вашему родному языку.""
==Using Web-based Clients==
~SearchIRC offers [[ another Java chat]] that requires [[ Java]] & [[ JavaScript]]. Make sure to click on the **#puppylinux** link for it to popup the new chat window.
~[[Ayttm]] is used in the Puppy 4.3.//x// series.
~[[ Ayttm homepage]]
==Opera IRC==
[[HomePage]] > [[Community]]
**IRC** is a form of instant communication over the Internet. It is intended for group (many-to-many) communication in discussion forums called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication.
There are many ways for Puppy users to join our Puppy Linux IRC channels. The best method is to install a new IRC chat program or use an existing IRC client on your computer. Puppy Linux 1.0.8 and later will auto-join the main channel when you click the Chat desktop icon or select it in the menus. An alternative is to use a web-based IRC client.
Generally, the server is **** and the channel is **#puppylinux**. The main channel is for tech support and general chat. See ChatRoom for a quick start on how to connect or keep reading.
==={{color text="Puppy Linux IRC Rules" c="black"}}===
**Use of the [[ Freenode]]-hosted channel is subject to [[ Freenode's policies]] //and// [[ guidelines]].**
Please also observe the few rules below (Yes, we need these, no one is exempt):
~1) Be polite - no abusive or obscene language will be tolerated.
~2) Respect the users in the chat. Operators (admins) are indicated with the color Green or an @ symbol next to their nick, private message them about issues with other users (note this is the only time you may break rule 4)
~3) If you are unsure about anything related to IRC ask questions, we will assist you to the best of our abilities.
~4) Sending //unsolicited// Private Messages is not allowed. (But it is fine if you ask politely to PM first and your offer is accepted.)
~5) If you think you were treated unfairly or have other major issues, please send a [[ Private Message via the main forum]] to [[JeyRey J_Rey]] or an e-mail to Anacari (AKA T260G/^Cricket^) at kenji @ (Note: We will at least need the Nick of the person whom you wish to log a complaint against.) The other operator that can help with daily issues is Dejan (AKA daysleeper555/dejan555 - email: dejan at b0x dot me
~6) Personal bots are not allowed. Ask for an exception; if an exception is made then it must have a '_bot' tag appended to the Nick. Any bot without it will be kicked.
~7) Cloning, i.e. more than one client logged in from the same address, is also discouraged especially if on the same computer.
~8) To promote community & goodwill - Off-topic chatting is permitted if it doesn't directly affect support on #puppylinux irc channel.
~9) Multiple conversations & all languages are welcome. If there is more than one conversation going on at the same time please address the person to whom you are speaking, e.g. J_Rey: How many was there?
==={{color text="Language Translations from/to English" c="black"}}===
Although English is the primary language used, please go ahead and speak directly in your native language, but if no one responds, you may need to use an online translation tool to help with English communication. Write in your native language, translate with the Babel Fish website, then copy English text to post in IRC #puppylinux chat room.
Use [[ Babel Fish]] or [[ Google Translate]] to translate a block of copied text from the IRC Chat to your native language.
en Espanol traduzca un bloque de texto copiado de la charla del IRC a su lengua materna.
In italiano traduca un blocco di testo copiato dalla chiacchierata del IRC alla vostra lingua madre.
In het Nederlands vertaal een blok van gekopi�ërde teksten van het Praatje IRC aan uw moedertaal.
En français traduisez un bloc de texte copié de la causerie d'IRC à votre langue maternelle.
Auf deutsch übersetzen Sie einen Block des kopierten Textes vom IRC-Schwätzchen zu Ihrer Muttersprache.
""Ελληνικά μεταφράστε έναν φραγμό του αντιγραμμένου κειμένου από τη συνομιλία IRC στη μητρική γλώσσα σας.""
""日本語 IRCの雑談からのあなたの自国語にコピーされたテキストのブロックを翻訳しなさい。""
""한국어 IRC 잡담에서 당신의 모국어로 베껴진 원본의 구획을 번역하십시오.""
Em português traduza um bloco de texto copiado do bate-papo do IRC a sua língua nativa.
""По-русски переведите блок скопированного текста от бормотушк IRC к вашему родному языку.""
===={{color text="Using Web-based Clients" c="black"}}====
SearchIRC offers [[ another Java chat]] that requires [[ Java]] & [[ JavaScript]]. Make sure to click on the **#puppylinux** link for it to popup the new chat window.
===={{color text="Using IRC Programs" c="black"}}====
If you have a IRC-enabled browser (e.g. Opera or a Mozilla-based browser with ""ChatZilla"" installed), go to this URL, ** irc:// ** in your browser and then pick your nickname. To connect securely ** ircs:// ** may work too but is not as consistently supported.
''The easiest way to join our chatroom when you are using Puppy is to click on the Chat icon on the desktop.''
==={{color text="Ayttm" c="black"}}
===[[ Ayttm]] is used in the Puppy 4.3.//x// series.
==={{color text="XChat" c="black"}}===
==={{color text="Pidgin" c="black"}}===
==={{color text="ChatZilla" c="black"}}===
==={{color text="Opera IRC (part of the)" c="black"}}[[ Opera Internet Suite]]===

Revision [21184]

Edited on 2012-04-06 07:25:32 by darkcity [category + move external link to bottom]
~[[WikiPedia:Internet_Relay_Chat IRC on Wikipedia]]
~[[WikiPedia:Internet_Relay_Chat IRC]]

Revision [21183]

Edited on 2012-04-06 07:24:54 by darkcity [category + move external link to bottom]

Revision [21182]

Edited on 2012-04-06 07:19:26 by darkcity [category + move external link to bottom]
**IRC** is a form of instant communication over the Internet. It is intended for group (many-to-many) communication in discussion forums called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication.
==Related Pages==
~[[WikiPedia:Internet_Relay_Chat IRC]]
[[WikiPedia:Internet_Relay_Chat IRC]] is a form of instant communication over the Internet. It is intended for group (many-to-many) communication in discussion forums called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication.

Revision [21178]

Edited on 2012-04-05 13:06:41 by JeyRey [Split Korean from Japanese & corrected SSL port]
""日本語 IRCの雑談からのあなたの自国語にコピーされたテキストのブロックを翻訳しなさい。""
""한국어 IRC 잡담에서 당신의 모국어로 베껴진 원본의 구획을 번역하십시오.""
If you have a IRC-enabled browser (e.g. Opera or a Mozilla-based browser with ""ChatZilla"" installed), go to this URL, ** irc:// ** in your browser and then pick your nickname. To connect securely ** ircs:// ** may work too but is not as consistently supported.
""日本語 IRCの雑談からのあなたの自国語にコピーされたテキストのブロックを翻訳しなさい。
한국어 IRC 잡담에서 당신의 모국어로 베껴진 원본의 구획을 번역하십시오.""
If you have a IRC-enabled browser (e.g. Opera or a Mozilla-based browser with ""ChatZilla"" installed), go to this URL, ** irc:// ** in your browser and then pick your nickname. To connect securely ** ircs:// ** may work too but is not as consistently supported.

Revision [20366]

Edited on 2012-01-30 11:57:35 by JeyRey [reorganized & cleaned up]
~7) Cloning, i.e. more than one client logged in from the same address, is also discouraged especially if on the same computer.
~8) To promote community & goodwill - Off-topic chatting is permitted if it doesn't directly affect support on #puppylinux irc channel.
~9) Multiple conversations & all languages are welcome. If there is more than one conversation going on at the same time please address the person to whom you are speaking, e.g. J_Rey: How many was there?
==={{color text="Language Translations from/to English" c="black"}}===
Although English is the primary language used, please go ahead and speak directly in your native language, but if no one responds, you may need to use an online translation tool to help with English communication. Write in your native language, translate with the Babel Fish website, then copy English text to post in IRC #puppylinux chat room.
Use [[ Babel Fish]] or [[ Google Translate]] to translate a block of copied text from the IRC Chat to your native language.
""Ελληνικά μεταφράστε έναν φραγμό του αντιγραμμένου κειμένου από τη συνομιλία IRC στη μητρική γλώσσα σας.""
""日本語 IRCの雑談からのあなたの自国語にコピーされたテキストのブロックを翻訳しなさい。
한국어 IRC 잡담에서 당신의 모국어로 베껴진 원본의 구획을 번역하십시오.""
""По-русски переведите блок скопированного текста от бормотушк IRC к вашему родному языку.""
SearchIRC offers [[ another Java chat]] that requires [[ Java]] & [[ JavaScript]]. Make sure to click on the **#puppylinux** link for it to popup the new chat window.
You may also use the normal [[ Freenode Web Chat]] site and most any somewhat modern browser. You may either enter any nickname you wish but to [[ use a Freenode registered nickname]] then check the box for Auth to services and also enter your username and password. There's also the secure [[ Freenode Web Chat]] which sometimes doesn't stay connected as long.
''The easiest way to join our chatroom when you are using Puppy is to click on the Chat icon on the desktop.''
==={{color text="XChat" c="black"}}===
This setup is for [[X-Chat XChat]] 1.8; other versions of X-Chat may vary.
Click on Freenode
See also [[XChat]].
==={{color text="Language Translations from/to English" c="black"}}===
Use [[ BabelFish]] to translate a block of copied text from the IRC Chat to your native language.
Ελληνικά μεταφράστε έναν φραγμό του αντιγραμμένου κειμένου από τη συνομιλία IRC στη μητρική γλώσσα σας.
日本語 IRCの雑談からのあなたの自国語にコピーされたテキストのブロックを翻訳しなさい。
한국어 IRC 잡담에서 당신의 모국어로 베껴진 원본의 구획을 번역하십시오.
По-русски переведите блок скопированного текста от бормотушк IRC к вашему родному языку.
A few people on the IRC #puppylinux channel may speak directly in your native language, but if not available, use the Babelfish translator. Write in your native language, Translate with Babelfish website, then copy English text to post in IRC #puppylinux chat. Questions posted in English will be answered. I would like to help you use Puppy Linux and answer your questions.
I feel bad when you type in the chat and then leave so quickly before I can answer your good question.
Click on freenode
~7) Cloning, i.e. more than one client logged in from the same address, is also discouraged.
~8) To promote community & goodwill - Off-topic chatting is permitted if it doesn't directly affect support on #puppylinux irc channel. (Added November 2 - 2010, by paulhomebus)
You can go to the [[ Freenode Java Chat]] (which requires [[ Java]]). SearchIRC offers [[ another Java chat]] that requires Java & [[ JavaScript]]. Make sure to click on the **#puppylinux** link for it to popup the new chat window.
You may also use the normal [[ Freenode Web Chat]] site and most any browser. You may either enter any nickname you wish but to [[ use a Freenode registered nickname]] then check the box for Auth to services and also enter your username and password. There's also the secure [[ Freenode Web Chat]].
The easiest way to join our chatroom when you are using Puppy is to click on the Chat icon on the desktop.
==={{color text=[[XChat]] c="black"}}===
This setup is for XChat 1.8; other versions of Xchat may vary.

Revision [18350]

Edited on 2011-10-01 00:48:40 by wb7odyfred [Added link on translati]
==={{color text="Language Translations from/to English" c="black"}}===
Use [[ BabelFish]] to translate a block of copied text from the IRC Chat to your native language.
en Espanol traduzca un bloque de texto copiado de la charla del IRC a su lengua materna.
In italiano traduca un blocco di testo copiato dalla chiacchierata del IRC alla vostra lingua madre.
In het Nederlands vertaal een blok van gekopi�ërde teksten van het Praatje IRC aan uw moedertaal.
En français traduisez un bloc de texte copié de la causerie d'IRC à votre langue maternelle.
Auf deutsch übersetzen Sie einen Block des kopierten Textes vom IRC-Schwätzchen zu Ihrer Muttersprache.
Ελληνικά μεταφράστε έναν φραγμό του αντιγραμμένου κειμένου από τη συνομιλία IRC στη μητρική γλώσσα σας.
日本語 IRCの雑談からのあなたの自国語にコピーされたテキストのブロックを翻訳しなさい。
한국어 IRC 잡담에서 당신의 모국어로 베껴진 원본의 구획을 번역하십시오.
Em português traduza um bloco de texto copiado do bate-papo do IRC a sua língua nativa.
По-русски переведите блок скопированного текста от бормотушк IRC к вашему родному языку.
A few people on the IRC #puppylinux channel may speak directly in your native language, but if not available, use the Babelfish translator. Write in your native language, Translate with Babelfish website, then copy English text to post in IRC #puppylinux chat. Questions posted in English will be answered. I would like to help you use Puppy Linux and answer your questions.
I feel bad when you type in the chat and then leave so quickly before I can answer your good question.

Revision [17224]

Edited on 2011-07-26 09:18:45 by darkcity [breadcrumb]
[[HomePage]] > [[Community]]
[[WikiPedia:Internet_Relay_Chat IRC]] is a form of instant communication over the Internet. It is intended for group (many-to-many) communication in discussion forums called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication.
[[ IRC]] is a form of instant communication over the Internet. It is intended for group (many-to-many) communication in discussion forums called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication.

Revision [14349]

Edited on 2011-04-24 19:39:10 by CrustyLobster [Open Pidgin]
1) Open Pidgin
1) Enter a screen name... eg IceUser
1) Change the Server to
1) Put a checkmark in Auto-Login if you want to go to the Puppy IRC Chat EVERY time you open Pidgin. Otherwise, leave Auto-Login blank.blank.
1) Open on Accounts
1) Enter a screen name...
1) Change the Server to
1) Put a checkmark in Auto-Login if you want to go to the Puppy IRC Chat EVERY time you open Gaim. Otherwise, leave Auto-Login blank.

Revision [13176]

Edited on 2011-03-01 11:18:52 by r1tz [Open Pidgin]
~8) To promote community & goodwill - Off-topic chatting is permitted if it doesn't directly affect support on #puppylinux irc channel. (Added November 2 - 2010, by paulhomebus)
You may also use the normal [[ Freenode Web Chat]] site and most any browser. You may either enter any nickname you wish but to [[ use a Freenode registered nickname]] then check the box for Auth to services and also enter your username and password. There's also the secure [[ Freenode Web Chat]].
~8) To promote community & goodwill - Off-topic chatting is permitted if it doesn't directly affect support on Puppylinux related issues. (Added November 2 - 2010, by paulhomebus)
You may also use the normal [[ Freenode Web Chat]] site and most any browser. You may either enter any nickname you wish but to [[ use a Freenode registered nickname]] then check the box for “Auth to services” and also enter your username and password. There's also the secure [[ Freenode Web Chat]].

Revision [11411]

Edited on 2010-12-12 15:50:15 by Paulhomebus [Open Pidgin]
~5) If you think you were treated unfairly or have other major issues, please send a [[ Private Message via the main forum]] to [[JeyRey J_Rey]] or an e-mail to Anacari (AKA T260G/^Cricket^) at kenji @ (Note: We will at least need the Nick of the person whom you wish to log a complaint against.) The other operator that can help with daily issues is Dejan (AKA daysleeper555/dejan555 - email: dejan at b0x dot me
~5) If you think you were treated unfairly or have other major issues, please send a [[ Private Message via the main forum]] to [[JeyRey J_Rey]] or an e-mail to Anacari (AKA T260G/^Cricket^) at kenji @ (Note: We will at least need the Nick of the person whom you wish to log a complaint against.) Other operators that can help with daily issues are Dejan (AKA daysleeper555/dejan555 - email: dejan at b0x dot me) and [[Paulhomebus Paul]] (AKA palhmbs - email: paulhomebus at gmail dot com)

Revision [10371]

Edited on 2010-11-01 17:20:11 by Paulhomebus [Open Pidgin]
~5) If you think you were treated unfairly or have other major issues, please send a [[ Private Message via the main forum]] to [[JeyRey J_Rey]] or an e-mail to Anacari (AKA T260G/^Cricket^) at kenji @ (Note: We will at least need the Nick of the person whom you wish to log a complaint against.) Other operators that can help with daily issues are Dejan (AKA daysleeper555/dejan555 - email: dejan at b0x dot me) and [[Paulhomebus Paul]] (AKA palhmbs - email: paulhomebus at gmail dot com)
~8) To promote community & goodwill - Off-topic chatting is permitted if it doesn't directly affect support on Puppylinux related issues. (Added November 2 - 2010, by paulhomebus)
~5) If you think you were treated unfairly or have other major issues, please send a [[ Private Message via the main forum]] to [[JeyRey J_Rey]] or an e-mail to Anacari (AKA T260G/^Cricket^) at kenji @ (Note: We will at least need the Nick of the person whom you wish to log a complaint against.) Other operators that can help with daily issues are Dejan (AKA daysleeper555/dejan555 - email: dejan at b0x dot me) and [[Paulhomebus Paul]] (AKA paulhomebus - email: paulhomebus at gmail dot com)

Revision [10194]

Edited on 2010-10-27 04:44:45 by coolpup [Open Pidgin]
See also [[XChat]].
{{image class="right" url="" title="Puppy Linux graphic" alt="Puppy Linux graphic"}}
======{{color text="Puppy Linux IRC Chat" c="green"}}======

Revision [10193]

Edited on 2010-10-27 04:43:15 by coolpup [Open Pidgin]

Revision [9444]

Edited on 2010-09-25 00:17:56 by r1tz [Open Pidgin]
Then register that preference by typing
/msg nickserv REGISTER <password> <email>
**/msg nickserv REGISTER mypassword**
then register that preference by typing
/REGISTER <password> <email>
**/REGISTER mynickname**

Revision [9204]

Edited on 2010-09-05 16:04:57 by coolpup [Open Pidgin]
==={{color text=[[XChat]] c="black"}}===
This setup is for XChat 1.8; other versions of Xchat may vary.
==={{color text="X-Chat" c="black"}}===
[[ X-Chat]] is a powerful multi-platform IRC Chat program available for Puppy Linux as both a PupGet (1.8.11) and a DotPup (2.6.0) package. You may want to try an unofficial version for [[ Windows]].
//this setup is for X-Chat 1.8; other versions of Xchat may vary //

Revision [9104]

Edited on 2010-08-29 09:43:50 by JeyRey [rules section revised]
Please also observe the few rules below (Yes, we need these, no one is exempt):
~1) Be polite - no abusive or obscene language will be tolerated.
~2) Respect the users in the chat. Operators (admins) are indicated with the color Green or an @ symbol next to their nick, private message them about issues with other users (note this is the only time you may break rule 4)
~4) Sending //unsolicited// Private Messages is not allowed. (But it is fine if you ask politely to PM first and your offer is accepted.)
~5) If you think you were treated unfairly or have other major issues, please send a [[ Private Message via the main forum]] to [[JeyRey J_Rey]] or an e-mail to Anacari (AKA T260G/^Cricket^) at kenji @ (Note: We will at least need the Nick of the person whom you wish to log a complaint against.) Other operators that can help with daily issues are Dejan (AKA daysleeper555/dejan555 - email: dejan at b0x dot me) and [[Paulhomebus Paul]] (AKA paulhomebus - email: paulhomebus at gmail dot com)
~6) Personal bots are not allowed. Ask for an exception; if an exception is made then it must have a '_bot' tag appended to the Nick. Any bot without it will be kicked.
~7) Cloning, i.e. more than one client logged in from the same address, is also discouraged.
==={{color text="Ayttm" c="black"}}
===[[ Ayttm]] is used in the Puppy 4.3.//x// series.
Please observe the few rules below (Yes, we need these, no one is exempt):
~1) Be polite - no foul language will be tolerated.
~2) Respect the users in the chat. Operators are indicated with the color Green or an @ symbol next to their nick, private message them about issues with other users (note this is the only time you may break rule 4)
~4) Sending //unsolicited// Private Messages is not allowed. (But it is fine if you ask politely to PM and your offer is accepted.)
~5) If you think you were treated unfairly, send a [[ Private Message via the main forum]] to [[JeyRey J_Rey]] or an e-mail to Anacari (AKA T260G/^Cricket^) at kenji @ (Note: We will at least need the Nick of the person whom you wish to log a complaint against.)
~6) Chanops are Dejan - email: dejan at b0x dot me - and Paulhomebus - email: paulhomebus at gmail dot com
~7) Personal bots are not allowed. Ask for an exception; if an exception is made then it must have a '_bot' tag appended to the Nick. Any bot without it will be kicked.
~8) Cloning, i.e. more than one client logged in from the same address, is also discouraged.
[[ Ayttm]] is used in the Puppy 4.3.//x// series.

Revision [8555]

Edited on 2010-08-09 01:05:23 by coolpup [rules section revised]
==={{color text="Pidgin" c="black"}}===
[[ Pidgin]]
''[[ Watch a Flash video on setting up Pidgin (Gaim) for IRC]]'' or:
==={{color text="Gaim" c="black"}}===
[[ Gaim]] provides other IM (Instant Messenger) services such as ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, MSN and Jabber along with IRC and //is included with Puppy Linux// and is also available with Windows. In Puppy Linux 1.0.8 and later, Gaim (**recent versions of it were renamed to Pidgin**) will auto-join the main chat.
''[[ Watch a Flash video on setting up Gaim for IRC]]'' or:

Revision [8554]

Edited on 2010-08-08 17:10:28 by Paulhomebus [rules section revised]
~4) Sending //unsolicited// Private Messages is not allowed. (But it is fine if you ask politely to PM and your offer is accepted.)
~6) Chanops are Dejan - email: dejan at b0x dot me - and Paulhomebus - email: paulhomebus at gmail dot com
~7) Personal bots are not allowed. Ask for an exception; if an exception is made then it must have a '_bot' tag appended to the Nick. Any bot without it will be kicked.
~8) Cloning, i.e. more than one client logged in from the same address, is also discouraged.
~4) Sending //unsolicited// Private Messages, (chatting back channel) is NOT allowed.
~6) Personal bots are not allowed. Ask for an exception; if an exception is made then it must have a '_bot' tag appended to the Nick. Any bot without it will be kicked.
~7) Cloning, i.e. more than one client logged in from the same address, is also discouraged.

Revision [7554]

Edited on 2010-05-30 05:06:50 by CrustyLobster [nickname]
==={{color text="Registering a Nick name" c="black"}}===
Click on freenode
**/nick mynickname**
where **nickname** is your preferred name
(you will be prompted if not available)

then register that preference by typing
/REGISTER <password> <email>
adding your preferred password and email
like so
**/REGISTER mynickname**

you will then get an email
and you can then follow the instructions
to complete registration

Revision [7398]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-05-19 05:18:40 by CrustyLobster [nickname]
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