Revision [2914]
This is an old revision of FrequentlyAskedQuestions made by Puppyite on 2009-10-25 07:53:46.
A: See: CreateLiveCDorDVD.
A: First CreateLiveCDorDVD; run and use it to create the USB flash drive installation. Video tutorial
A: Puppy 4.3.0: Menu > Setup > Remaster Puppy
Puppy 4.2.1: Use the "Remaster Slimmer" feature of Remaster Express: Menu > Setup > Remax
A: OpenOffice
A: See SeaMonkey
A: Opera
Q: How do I install software?
A: ShieldsUP
A: Forum thread
Q: How do I create desktop icons and modify its appearance?
A: DesktopIcons
More Frequently Asked Questions