Revision [12949]

This is an old revision of youtubedl made by coolpup on 2011-02-22 16:23:38.


youtube-dl video downloader (command-line interface)

Graphical user interface: Pvideo.

Verify installed version:
youtube-dl -v 21KB SoftwareInstallation software package - DISCLAIMER 21KB SoftwareInstallation software package - DISCLAIMER

Dependencies: bzip2, grep, python, tar

# youtube-dl --help
Usage: youtube-dl [options] url...

  -h, --help            print this help text and exit
  -v, --version         print program version and exit
  -U, --update          update this program to latest stable version
  -i, --ignore-errors   continue on download errors
  -r LIMIT, --rate-limit=LIMIT
						download rate limit (e.g. 50k or 44.6m)
  -R RETRIES, --retries=RETRIES
						number of retries (default is 10)
						playlist video to start at (default is 1)

  Authentication Options:
	-u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
						account username
	-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
						account password
	-n, --netrc         use .netrc authentication data

  Video Format Options:
	-f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT
						video format code
	-m, --mobile-version
						alias for -f 17
	--all-formats       download all available video formats
						highest quality format to download
	-b, --best-quality  download the best video quality (DEPRECATED)

  Verbosity / Simulation Options:
	-q, --quiet         activates quiet mode
	-s, --simulate      do not download video
	-g, --get-url       simulate, quiet but print URL
	-e, --get-title     simulate, quiet but print title
	--get-thumbnail     simulate, quiet but print thumbnail URL
	--get-description   simulate, quiet but print video description
	--no-progress       do not print progress bar

  Filesystem Options:
	-t, --title         use title in file name
	-l, --literal       use literal title in file name
						output filename template
	-a FILE, --batch-file=FILE
						file containing URLs to download ('-' for stdin)
	-w, --no-overwrites
						do not overwrite files
	-c, --continue      resume partially downloaded files

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