Revision [16001]

This is an old revision of software made by coolpup on 2011-06-25 05:56:37.


pet file icon

Software package types are identified by their file extension:

Software Repositories

Software disclaimer: absolutely no warranty given or implied, so use any software package entirely at your own risk
Also accessible via the start menu, using one or both of these methods:

Software Installation

Ensure that the latest available versions of the following pre-requisite packages are installed:
bzip2, curl, dosfstools, e2fsprogs, grep, ntfs3g, tar, wget, xz

Since the installation of any software package involves occupying partition space, the installation will fail if there is not sufficient free space on the target installation partition. Sometimes installing PET and TXZ packages to frugal Puppy installations requires the amount of free space inside the personal save file to be at least 3 times the size of the package.

"How does one upgrade existing software?"

"To which location has the software package been downloaded to?"
One needs to know to which location a software package has been downloaded to. If a Web browser is used for downloading, then it would need to be manually configured to the user's preference.

Installing PET software packages

Installing PETs into frugal Puppy installations

Installing PETs into full Puppy installations
No personal storage save files are involved. Download a PET software package; then single-left-click on it for automatic installation.

Un-installing PET packages
Go to: Menu > Setup > Puppy Package Manager

Installing and un-installing PET packages via the command-line interface

Installing TXZ software packages

Installing SFS software packages

Software Package Suffixes

The suffix denotes the environment in which the package was compiled:

This provides some indication of whether or not a certain package is compatible with one's operating system. One will not know of compatibility for sure unless the installation is actually attempted, so always have a back up of the current system before installing any package.


compiling How to Build (Compile) a Binary Package From the Source Code and Install It
SoftwarePackageCreation How to Create a Software Package for Puppy

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