Revision [16435]

This is an old revision of puppy526 made by CrustyLobster on 2011-07-07 06:57:52.



Lucid 526 testing luci-260.ISO available on forum

After Lucid 5.2.6 is done, we will have a good basis for a Community Edition. I envision this as a larger than usual Puppy, with additional programs suggested by forum members. Maybe 160-180MB. Oh yes, with a more advanced kernel! Pemasu's work is a model for what I have in mind. At the same time we release the Community Edition wouldn't it be amazing if we could release a twin 64-bit edition! Or at least a "hybrid" 32/64 bit edition. Iguleder seems to have something going on there. You never know
Larry Short (Playdayz) chief developer

An updated Lucid Puppy, great stuff !!

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