Revision [29139]

This is an old revision of lxpup made by darkcity on 2013-10-12 12:49:42.



Homepage > PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version


Lxpup is a lightweight distribution with versions based on Slacko by 01micko, and Precise from Barry Kauler. The desktop environment LXDE seems to be a good compromise between lightness, ease and more aesthetically pleasing. It was created by Jejy69.

This derivative is simply easier to use, lightweight, user-friendly, flexible. It will suit the old and the latest computers, thanks to kernel 3.1.10 and 3.2.29 with Precise. It has a base Slackware/Ubuntu, and therefore a large number of packages easily installable via PPM.

Version 13.10
LxPup13.10 uses the components from LxPup-by-SFS added onto the Slacko5.6 base using the Woofy0.91 and Edit-Initrdgz-1.4 tools.

It offers Openbox as it’s window manager, LxPanelX (a fork of LxPanel) as it’s panel manager and PCManFM as it’s file manager

screenshot screenshot

LxPup is available as a complete Puppy version
Versions by PeeBee:

Versions by Jejy69:

Alternately it is available as an SFS package for Slacko, Precise and Upup-Raring:

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