Revision [33317]

This is an old revision of gtkdialogDocTips made by zigbert on 2023-02-24 06:45:57.


HomePage > Software Index > Development > gtkdialog

GtkDialog - Tips and Tricks

This documentation is based on the forum-thread 'Tips and Tricks' by Sigmund Berglund (zigbert).
The info is based on input from many people. Please continue to share your knowledge.


1. Syntax - How to use variables in the code.

2. Let the script return data - Choose a proper coding structure.

3. Let external code act on your gtkdialog gui

4. The benefits of a config file

5. Speed issues - Let your turtle run

6. Extended your widgets
6.2.1 Knob
6.2.3 Dynamic tabs
6.2.4 Calendar

7. Advanced Syntax - make your code readable
7.1 Comments in your code.
7.2 Include code if...

8. gtkdialogDocTips8 Text managing
8.5 Set font
8.6 Hyperlink

9. Tips and tricks
9.8 Hotkeys
9.13 MIME

10. The holy grail

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