(image: http://www.smokey01.com/coolpup/xaralx48.png) Xara Xtreme graphics editor


Xara Xtreme in Puppy 2.10
    1. Install this dotpup: http://puppyfiles.org/dotpupsde/dotpups/Graphics/XaraLX-Gtk-2.8-runtime-Puppy-2.10.pup (1.7 MB)
    1. Then install this dotpup: http://puppyfiles.org/dotpupsde/dotpups/Graphics/XaraLX-0.6R1530.pup (13.4 MB)
    1. Then run xaralx-gtk from the dotpups-menu.

It includes some Gtk-libraries compiled before we had Puppy 2.10. They are installed in an own subfolder to avoid conflicts with the Gtk from Puppy 2.10. They can be accessed only by a special startscript like the provided xaralx-gtk.

If the startscript cannot find /usr/local/bin/xaralx, it creates a new one, and lets you edit in leafpad the path, where you installed XaraLX.
The help requires additional 27 MB: http://dotpups.de/dotpups/Graphics/xaraLX0.7-help.pup (6.2 MB)
To be able to use all import/exportfilters, install ImageMagick, too: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?search_id=1150410105&t=45981
Forum information http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?p=59623#59623∞


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