Revision history for Wosh

Revision [17274]

Last edited on 2011-07-30 17:11:20 by darkcity
===1. Introduction===
I live In Nuremberg Germany and I am an electrical engineer mainly writing software for taxi dispatching systems with GPS data radios in C and Assembler. I like to contribute a little bit to Puppy Linux because I am amazed of it's speed and it's possibilities. And I hope my work, my little daughter and my house leave me the time.
===2. My first Contact with Puppy Linux===
I had the first contact with Puppy Linux when I tried the boot possibilities of my USB-Key and was astonished how fast and easy it made it's setup on very different PCs. Annoyed of catching viruses and trojans with Windows I have changed to do my Web-browsing and emails with SeaMonkey in Puppy Linux and I also write a part of my business letters with AbiWord even it is not that comfortable as it's MS counterpart.
===3. Topics to solve in Puppy Linux===
Even if Puppy Linux has amazing features there are still some topcics that should find better solutions:
==3.1. Internet Integration==
Because of Puppy's claim to be small and fast a lot of things like driver installation, application help, localization could be done via the internet like it is done in chooselocale.
==3.2. Printer Detection==
The printer detection has been improved a lot by CUPS, but it still could become better by automating it like in other dstributions.
==3.3. Localization Wizard==
The localization is still poor, but I have some good ideas to improve it, that I will present If I have enough time.
==3.4. Help Wizard==
Because of Puppy's self restriction the help for some applications is rather poor. So my idea is to establish a help system that allows to get help from this Wiki or an FTP server if it is needed. It also should contain the possibility to download often needed help files.
==3.5. Documentation==
Documentation in Puppy Linux is sometimes hard to find. There could be done a lot by combining this Wiki with the Forum. The Forum should be the place for the answers and questions. The Wiki should be the place to present the Forum results in a structured way.
===4. Epilogue===
I hope you enjoy Puppy Linux as I do, may it become a hundred years old.
Describe yourself here.
Your contact details

Revision [17273]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-07-30 17:06:59 by darkcity
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