Revision [30767]

This is an old revision of Woof made by darkcity on 2015-11-09 08:25:11.



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Woof | Woof CE (community edition)


Woof is a Puppy building program. It is used to build a Puppy Linux distribution from the binary packages of another Linux distribution.

'For a long time I have dreamt of a "magical script" that could download packages of some other distro, cut them right down to Puppy-size, then build a Puppy Linux live-CD -- and do all of this totally automatically.' BarryK

Build process
The process used by Woof to build a Puppy Linux distribution from another Linux distribution:

Supported distributions and Architectures
The Linux distributions that Woof can use as the foundation for a Puppy Linux distribution include: Debian, Ubuntu, Slackware, Arch, T2, SDE, Puppy, Mageia.
The architectures supported include x86, x86-64 and ARM (including the Puppi Rpi's ARMv6 CPU). Improvements to Woof will benefit all supported architectures.

The latest version of Woof has greatly improved support of different languages, with many existing language packs (from Woof can even create your default puplet a language other than English).

Examples of Woof Puppy versions
What can be achieved using Woof: Wary, Puppy431, Dpup (Dpup, Squeeze), Upup Upup (Puppy5Index Puppy5, LupQ), Spup, Tpup, Quirky)

The CD-Remaster program available in Puppy Linux is a simpler way to build variants of a Puppy version, if you don't want to make a major change.

Also on the Wiki
Babybuilder - a feature to create small Puppy versions

WoofQ is a project created by Barry for building non-Puppy Quirky distributions.


Barry's Woof Webpages
Project version control management system is bones:

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