Revision [23165]

This is an old revision of VideoDriverInformation made by darkcity on 2012-08-09 06:06:48.


HomePage > ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos > Video Video Driver

Video Driver Information

ATI video driver:

ATI Resolution 1920x1080:

NVidia video drivers:
CatDude's NVidia Driver Pet packages (user:puppy pass:linux)


Compiling video drivers:

glxgears and report-video programs:

vesa = an unaccelerated. generic Xorg driver for all video hardware
Xvesa = alternative to Xorg server

"Mplayer package used in Wary has a wrapper script, 'mplayershell'"

"No need to include the framebuffer modules, they aren't used for anything anymore. And with KMS enabled, they are totally redundant."

Puppeee + EeePC 701SD, increase 3D OpenGL speed

glxinfo | grep -B 2 version

Also see
zarfy - resolution changer, good for multiple monitors

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