![AbiWord logo AbiWord logo](http://www.abisource.com/download/gfx/abiword_logo.png)
Using AbiWord with Puppy 1
Advise specific to Puppy1 Puppy 1 also see UsingAbiWord Using AbiWord for general advice.
Puppy 1.0.6 (and later) official live-CD has a large collection of plug-ins, probably all you would want.Puppy 1.0.7 official version live-CD, most of the AbiWord add-ons are in the live-CD, nothing extra to install. The live-CD includes the American spelling dictionary, however you can add other languages, see below. Links Grammar (for the grammar checking plugin) and gtkmathview (for the equation editing plugin) are not in the official live-CD -- these have to be added, see below.
Spell Check, Grammar and Equations
AbiWord spell checkerAustralian English (Version ??? , released Jun 29, 2005) http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?p=4544#4544]abispell-en-AU.pup 697.04 KB
US English (Version ??? , released Jul 03, 2005) - http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?p=5102#5102]abispell-en-US.pup, 696.48 KB
http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?p=5078#5078]Instructions for other languages
NOTICE: Puppy 1.0.6 official version has the American dictionary "built-in", located at:
Run the PupGet package manager (see Setup menu) to install Links Grammar. Note, the Links Grammar package is named link_grammar-4.1.3.
NOTICE: Puppy version 1.0.6 official live-CD includes Links Grammar, so grammar checking is immediately functional, however, you still have to enable it in the Preferences. Puppy 1.0.7 and later does not have it in the live-CD.
NOTICE: Puppy version 1.0.6 official live-CD includes gtkmathview package, so equation editing is ready-to-go "out of the box". Puppy 1.0.7 and later does not have it in the live-CD.
NOTICE: Puppy 1.0.5+ may automatically create a link from /root/.fonts to C:\windows\fonts\ at first bootup. If this has happened for you, then you will automatically have all the Windows TTF fonts available. If you do not want this behaviour (there was a report on the forum that some Windows TTF fonts don't work right in Puppy), then delete /root/.fonts and instead create a directory /root/.fonts and then only place in it the TTF fonts that you want to use in Puppy.Categories