Revision [22267]

This is an old revision of ResizeSaveFile made by darkcity on 2012-07-13 21:32:02.


HomePage > ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos > FileTypes

Resize SaveFile

It may be time to resize the SaveFile if the indicator (bottom right-hand size of Panels panel) has gone from green to amber, or even red.
Check that any temporary files are cleaned out, for example browser cache. If indicator went amber after installing PETs Pet packages then it is best to expand the SaveFile.
Look the your /initrd/pup_rw folder to see what is in the save-file.

Expanding SaveFile
There is a tool for expand the SaveFile under PuppyMenu > Utility > Resize personal Storage file
Or go to PupControl > Drive > Resize Puppy File

Choose how much to expand the file, however it will only be activated on next startup. Ensure you restart with the file that needs to be expanded.

Also see

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