Revision [31833]

This is an old revision of Racy made by s243a on 2017-12-30 02:32:18.



Homepage > PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version > Wary/Racy



Version of Wary with newer kernel for newer hardware. Developed by BarryK.

Racy using T2's Version 9.0 will be called Puppy T290 - scsijon
New: Racy 5.5: release announcement

Software available by German forum member

French version

Racy Puppy is "Wary on steriods" for those who have current hardware. It features the 3.0.7 kernel and 7.6. Racy boots straight into X on first boot and launches its Quick Setup facility. (In contrast, Wary Puppy runs text-mode configuration dialogs and the Xorg Wizard before starting X.) Racy is a tad smaller ISO than Wary because it strips out dial-up modem support. Racy and Wary share a common package repository, so current apps are common to both systems.

Pet & SFS Downloads

Unofficial Derivatives of Racy
Saluki is based on Racy 5.2 with Xfce, built using the "Saluki Custom Puplet builder" (Last Release 06-Jul-2012).
Carolina is a fork of Saluki and is also based on Racy 5.2 with Xfce. (Last Release 09-Dec-2014).

Also on the Wiki
Wary - Racy built for older computer

Racy 5.3 release announcement - improved language support

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