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This is an old revision of QuickPet made by darkcity on 2014-10-29 14:13:47.


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QuickPet/ SlickPet

QuickPet is an easy-to-use cut-down version of the PPM Puppy Package Manager. It highlights some of the most popular additional software used with Puppy. By simply clicking on one of the icons shown in the application it can install a SFS or PET package.

SlickPet is the QuickPet feature for Slacko Puppy.

QuickPet can be accessed by its desktop icon or from the menu
Puppy Menu > Setup > Puppy Setup > Quickpet Install Popular Programs

All the packages used by Slick/QuickPet are also available in the Puppy Package manager, or PPM.

QuickPet is the what SlickPet was based on, first seen in Lucid Puppy 5.2x.

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