Revision [18304]

This is an old revision of PupsaveBackup made by darkcity on 2011-09-28 09:14:10.


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PupSave Backup

PupSave Backup backs up the SaveFile (also known as PupSave file).
Auto-detects the current savefile.
Generates the backup file name with the date and time appended.
Checks the available space for the backup file.
Will not perform the backup if anything is incorrect.
Displays real-time status and progress feedback.
Supports 2fs and 3fs save file types.

Compatible with Puppy2 Classic Pup 214X, Puppy 4.12, Puppy5Index Lucid Pups 5.1.1, 5.2.0, 5.2.8(Bash 4.1), Wary Wary 5.1.99 alpha, LighthousePuppy Lighthouse Pup 503 G (Bash 4.1)
Dependencies Dependencies here

Screenshot (fullsize)


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Also See
PupsaveBackup thread
Backup Backup Information

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