Revision [21102]

This is an old revision of PuppyVersionIndex made by CrustyLobster on 2012-03-26 18:15:58.


Homepage > PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version

Quick guide

There is a lot of choice and possibilities within Puppy:
Our latest official puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko' is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
Slacko is not compatible with Puppy526 Lucid which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.
Clean installs are recommended for new Puppy versions.
For older hardware Wary 5.2 might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
Racy combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel. Wary/Racy 5.3 is being developed.
Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows or hardware less than 5 years old Saluki may be a good choice.
Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with PARM for the Raspberry Pi motherboard. Precise Puppy (under development, runs presently on x86 only) will also be available for ARM powered devices, more powerful than the Raspberry Pi.

Long Term Support Wary old hardware Racy newer hardware

New Precise Puppy Puppy + Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS Alpha2 is recommended for language translators. Important bug fixes and enhancements for better and more complete translation.
Run MoManager and review translations, also you might find more to do in the 'doc_strings' category.
SlackoNews Puppy 5.3.3 'Slacko' with new kernel
Fatdog 64-bit only
Saluki 012 beta developing
QtPuppy Puppy built around Qt environment
Drake Puppy + Mageia (beta)
Dpup Puppy + Debian (alpha)

General Information

Official Version Indexes


Major Derivative Indexes
  • DPup - Puppy based on Debian
  • Saluki - Based on Racy focusing on user friendlessness
  • Barebones - cut down Puppies, useful building blocks


Also see
Puppy Linux Repo - distro list and host
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