Revision history for PuppyVersionIndex

Revision [31968]

Last edited on 2018-03-17 04:41:56 by darkcity [PuppySourcery]

Revision [31957]

Edited on 2018-03-16 16:38:06 by darkcity [PuppySourcery]
~[[Puppy7|Puppy 7]] Xenial and Slacko
~[[Puppy7|Puppy 7]] Xenial, Tahr and Slacko

Revision [31904]

Edited on 2018-03-16 13:13:51 by darkcity [Xenial,]
~[[Puppy7|Puppy 7]] Xenial, Tahr and Slacko
~[[Puppy7|Puppy 7]] Tahr and Slacko

Revision [31796]

Edited on 2017-12-29 19:18:43 by s243a [Xenial,]
~[[Puppy7|Puppy 7]] Tahr and Slacko

Revision [31183]

Edited on 2016-08-22 07:44:47 by darkcity [[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Versio]
~[[Puppy6|Puppy 6]] Tahr and Slacko
~[[Puppy5Index|Puppy 5]] Precise, Lucid and Slacko
~[[Wary|Wary/Racy]] for older hardware
~[[QuirkyIndex|Quirky]] experimental, cutting edge
~[[Puppy4|Puppy 4]]
~[[Puppy2|Puppy 2]]
~[[PuppyRus]] - Russian version
~[[PuppyRus]] - Russian version
~[[Puppy5Index Puppy 5]] Precise, Lucid and Slacko
~[[Wary Wary/Racy]] for older hardware
~[[QuirkyIndex Quirky]] experimental, cutting edge
~[[Puppy4 Puppy 4]]
~[[Puppy2 Puppy 2]]

Revision [30382]

Edited on 2014-10-13 10:03:12 by darkcity [[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Versio]
~[[ How Many Puppies Are There ? (thread)]]

Revision [30129]

Edited on 2014-07-04 08:17:45 by darkcity [[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Versio]
~{{include tagInfoUpdate}}

Revision [29763]

Edited on 2013-12-15 08:18:30 by darkcity [[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Versio]
~[[Tpup]] - built with T2

Revision [29751]

Edited on 2013-12-12 12:31:11 by darkcity [[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Versio]
~[[Barebones]] - cut down, useful building blocks
~[[PupNgo]] - 6MB tiny Puppy building block
~[[Barebones]] - cut down, useful building blocks

Revision [29731]

Edited on 2013-12-12 11:48:46 by darkcity [correct 3 link]
~[[Puppy 3|]]
~[[Puppy300 Puppy 3]]

Revision [29629]

Edited on 2013-12-01 10:49:27 by darkcity [correct 3 link]
~[[PARM Puppy being developed for ARM devices]]
~-[[PARM Puppy being developed for ARM devices]]

Revision [29628]

Edited on 2013-12-01 10:48:13 by darkcity [correct 3 link]
**Versions for [[ARM]] devices incl. RPi**
~[[Puppi]] for ARM
~[[RPiRandomPuppy Raspberry Pi Random Puppy]]
~[[Puppi]] for [[ARM]] devices

Revision [28200]

Edited on 2013-07-29 07:34:52 by darkcity [logo]
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}""<!-- image host down {{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}} -->""
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}

Revision [27159]

Edited on 2013-04-14 11:33:08 by darkcity [logo]
~[[Accessibility]] - help with input etc.

Revision [27134]

Edited on 2013-04-14 05:48:14 by darkcity [~[[NOP]] - add the preferred office program]
~[[NOP]] - add the preferred office program

Revision [26706]

Edited on 2013-03-19 08:10:10 by darkcity [~[[NOP]] - add the preferred office program]
~[[SlimPup]] - streamlined interface

Revision [26695]

Edited on 2013-03-19 07:30:41 by darkcity [rationalise menu]
==Related Webpages==
==Related Pages==

Revision [26691]

Edited on 2013-03-19 07:27:39 by darkcity [rationalise menu]
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}
|!|{border:solid white}
~[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions List]]**
~[[PuppyDifferences Puppy Differences]]
~[[Reviews Puppy Reviews]]
~[[ScreenShots Puppy ScreenShots]]
~[[Puppy5Index Puppy 5]] Precise, Lucid and Slacko
~[[Wary Wary/Racy]] for older hardware
~[[QuirkyIndex Quirky]] experimental, cutting edge
~[[Puppi]] for [[ARM]] devices
~[[Puppy4 Puppy 4]]
~[[Puppy300 Puppy 3]]
~[[Puppy2 Puppy 2]]
~[[PuppyTimeLine Puppy TimeLine]]
~[[PuppyVersionSuperseded Superseded, Unmaintained and Unsorted]]
~[[Puppy1 Puppy 1]]
~[[Carolina]] - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user-friendliness
~[[MacPupIndex MacPup]] - with [[Enlightenment]] window manager
~[[Fatdog]] - for 64-bit computers
~[[LegacyOS]] - polished version for old computers ie. Pentium 3/4
~[[Barebones]] - cut down, useful building blocks
~[[DPup]] - compatibility with Debian
~[[Spup]] - compatibility with Slackware, includes [[Puppy53 Slacko]]
~[[Upup]] - compatibility with Ubuntu, includes [[Precise]] and [[Puppy526 Lucid]]
~[[Apup]] - compatibility with Arch
~[[PuppyVersionInformation Display information about your Puppy Version]]
~[[LTS|Long Term Support]]
~-[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions List]]**
~-[[PuppyDifferences Puppy Differences]]
~-[[Reviews Puppy Reviews]]
~-[[ScreenShots Puppy ScreenShots]]
~-[[PuppyTimeLine Puppy TimeLine]]
~-[[PuppyVersionSuperseded Superseded, Unmaintained and Unsorted]]
~-[[PuppyVersionInformation Show information about your Puppy Version]]
~-[[Puppi]] Puppy for [[ARM]]
~-[[Puppy5Index Puppy 5]] Lucid and Slacko
~-[[Puppy4 Puppy 4]]
~-[[Puppy300 Puppy 3]]
~-[[Puppy2 Puppy 2]]
~-[[Puppy1 Puppy 1]]
~-[[PuppyPrecise]] newer kernel
~-[[QuirkyIndex Quirky]]
~-[[Racy]] for newer computers
~-[[Wary]] for older computers
~-**[[Carolina]]** - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user-friendliness
~-[[Saluki]] - development paused, forked to Carolina
~-[[MacPupIndex MacPup]] - Puppy with [[Enlightenment]] window manager
~-[[Fatdog]] - for 64-bit computers
~-[[LegacyOS]] - very polished version for older computers ie. Pentium 3/4
~-[[Barebones]] - cut down Puppy version, useful building blocks
~-[[DPup]] - Puppy based on Debian
~-[[Spup]] - Slackware based Puppy versions, including the official [[Puppy53 Slacko]]
~-[[Upup]] - Ubuntu based Puppy versions, including the official [[Puppy526 Lucid]]
==Long Term Support==
~[[BarryK Barry Kauler]] (Puppy's creator) currently actively supports and maintains [[Wary]] (old hardware) and [[Racy]] (newer hardware), see [[ his blog]] for the latest updates.
==Slacko Compatibility==
~Slacko //is not compatible// with ""Woof1"" built [[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2x Lucid]] - which was our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.

Revision [26085]

Edited on 2013-02-17 07:59:46 by darkcity [Wiki==]
==Also on the Wiki==
==Also on the WIki==

Revision [26065]

Edited on 2013-02-17 07:02:15 by darkcity [Wiki==]
~[[HuPuppyHu Hungarian versions]]
~[[HuPuppyHu - Hungarian versions]]

Revision [26064]

Edited on 2013-02-17 07:01:57 by darkcity [Wiki==]
~[[HuPuppyHu - Hungarian versions]]
~[[PuppyEs Versiones en español (Spanish)]]
~[[HuPuppyHu Verziók Magyar (Hungarian)]]
**Localized Version**

Revision [26062]

Edited on 2013-02-17 06:59:23 by darkcity [Wiki==]
~[[PuppyEs Versiones en español (Spanish)]]
~[[HuPuppyHu Verziók Magyar (Hungarian)]]
~[[EsPuppy Versiones en español (Spanish)]]
~[[Francais Versions en Français (French)]]
~[[HuPuppy Verziók Magyar (Hungarian)]]

Revision [26052]

Edited on 2013-02-17 06:41:57 by darkcity [~[[WhatIsPuppy|What Is Puppy]]]
~[[WhatIsPuppy|What Is Puppy]]
~[[Puppy|What is a Puppy Version]]

Revision [26030]

Edited on 2013-02-17 06:05:13 by darkcity [remove out of date information]
{{include tagInfoUpdate}}
==Versions - Quick guide==
~**[[puppy533 Puppy 5.3.3 'Slacko']] recommended for most new users.** this [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official Puppy, is highly Slackware compatible. Also see:
~~[[FatSlacko]] Slacko with ALL the software included - [[ Fat Slacko thread]].
~~[[ThinSlacko]] Slacko cut down to 99MB - [[ Thin Slacko thread]]
~**[[Wary Wary 5.3]] for efficiency on older hardware try **. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel. [[Racy Racy 5.3]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel.
~**[[Puppi]] {{color text="for ARM and Raspberrypi versions" c="Purple"}}**

Revision [26021]

Edited on 2013-02-17 05:58:38 by darkcity [remove out of date information]
{{include tonguesPuppyVersionIndex}}

Revision [25972]

Edited on 2013-02-14 10:40:43 by darkcity [~[[Puppy-Es]] - Spanish version using [[OpenBox]]]
**Localized Version**
~[[Puppy-Es]] - Spanish version using [[OpenBox]]

Revision [25906]

Edited on 2013-02-10 10:11:31 by darkcity [{{include tagInfoUpdate}}]
{{include tagInfoUpdate}}

Revision [25322]

Edited on 2012-12-18 23:11:31 by Jabu2 [v minor edits]
~**[[puppy533 Puppy 5.3.3 'Slacko']] recommended for most new users.** this [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official Puppy, is highly Slackware compatible. Also see:
~-**[[Carolina]]** - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user-friendliness
~-[[Saluki]] - development paused, forked to Carolina
~-[[LegacyOS]] - very polished version for older computers ie. Pentium 3/4
~**[[puppy533 Puppy 5.3.3 'Slacko']] recommended for most new users.** this [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official Puppy, is is highly Slackware compatible. Also see:
~-**[[Carolina]]** - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user friendlessness
~-[[Saluki]] - development pause, forked to Carolina
~-[[LegacyOS]] - very polished verison for older computers ie. Pentium 3/4

Revision [25290]

Edited on 2012-12-08 04:56:54 by darkcity [~-[[LegacyOS]] - for older computers ie. Pentium 3]
~-[[Fatdog]] - for 64-bit computers
~-[[LegacyOS]] - very polished verison for older computers ie. Pentium 3/4
~-[[Fatdog]] 64-bit only

Revision [25226]

Edited on 2012-11-29 18:09:10 by darkcity [~-[[PuppyPrecise]] newer kernel]
~-[[PuppyPrecise]] newer kernel

Revision [24336]

Edited on 2012-10-09 08:16:25 by darkcity [MultiUser]
==Also on the WIki==
~[[MultiUser]] - Multi user information.
==Also see==

Revision [24301]

Edited on 2012-10-05 05:46:55 by darkcity [~-**[[Carolina]]** - Based on Racy with [[xfce]],]
~-**[[Carolina]]** - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user friendlessness
~-[[Saluki]] - development pause, forked to Carolina
~-**[[Saluki]]** - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user friendlessness

Revision [23967]

Edited on 2012-09-24 05:32:55 by darkcity [~-[[EeePC EeePC with Puppy]]]
~-[[EeePC EeePC with Puppy]]

Revision [23950]

Edited on 2012-09-23 13:13:33 by darkcity [typo]
~-[[Spup]] - Slackware based Puppy versions, including the official [[Puppy53 Slacko]]
~-[[Spup]] - Slackware based pPuppy versions, including the official [[Puppy53 Slacko]]

Revision [23126]

Edited on 2012-08-08 10:38:03 by darkcity [Table of Puppy versions and Devx sfs packages]
~[[ Table of Puppy versions and Devx sfs packages]]
~[[ One stop Puppy Version 'shop']]

Revision [22854]

Edited on 2012-07-30 07:52:30 by darkcity [~There are a lot of different builds of Puppy, giv]
~**[[puppy533 Puppy 5.3.3 'Slacko']] recommended for most new users.** this [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official Puppy, is is highly Slackware compatible. Also see:
~~[[FatSlacko]] Slacko with ALL the software included - [[ Fat Slacko thread]].
~~[[ThinSlacko]] Slacko cut down to 99MB - [[ Thin Slacko thread]]
~**[[Wary Wary 5.3]] for efficiency on older hardware try **. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel. [[Racy Racy 5.3]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel.
~**[[Puppi]] {{color text="for ARM and Raspberrypi versions" c="Purple"}}**
~-[[Puppi]] Puppy for [[ARM]]
~There are a lot of different builds of Puppy, giving you many choices and possibilities:
~**[[puppy533 Puppy 5.3.3 'Slacko']]** is our latest [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official Puppy, it is highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. Also available is a 5.3.3 Puppy Slacko version with ALL the software included [[ FatSlacko]]. Also available is a [[ cut down 99MB version]]
~**For efficiency on older hardware try [[Wary Wary 5.3]]**. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel. [[Racy Racy 5.3]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel.

Revision [22433]

Edited on 2012-07-19 06:55:33 by darkcity [debianize]
~[[Debianization]] - Make Puppy more like Debian

Revision [21949]

Edited on 2012-06-25 16:00:24 by darkcity []
~[[ LinLap - this site provides info on configuring linux on laptops]]
~[[ LinLap - this site provides info on configuring linux on laptops]

Revision [21948]

Edited on 2012-06-25 16:00:08 by darkcity []
~[[ LinLap - this site provides info on configuring linux on laptops]

Revision [21797]

Edited on 2012-06-11 15:27:19 by darkcity [big saluki]
~-**[[Saluki]]** - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user friendlessness
~-**[[Saluki]]** - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user friendlessness**

Revision [21796]

Edited on 2012-06-11 15:27:01 by darkcity [big saluki]
~-**[[Saluki]]** - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user friendlessness**
**~-[[Saluki]] - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user friendlessness**

Revision [21795]

Edited on 2012-06-11 15:26:35 by darkcity [big saluki]
**General Information
~-[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions List]]**
**~-[[Saluki]] - Based on Racy with [[xfce]], focusing on user friendlessness**
**General Information**
~-**[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions List]]**
~-[[Saluki]] - Based on Racy, focusing on user friendlessness

Revision [21539]

Edited on 2012-05-17 05:40:58 by CrustyLobster [Puppy 5.3.3]
~**[[puppy533 Puppy 5.3.3 'Slacko']]** is our latest [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official Puppy, it is highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. Also available is a 5.3.3 Puppy Slacko version with ALL the software included [[ FatSlacko]]. Also available is a [[ cut down 99MB version]]
~**[[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']]** is our latest [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official Puppy, it is highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. A Slacko version with a new kernel is almost with us (5.3.3). Also available is a 5.3.3 Puppy Slacko version with ALL the software included [[ FatSlacko]]
~**[[Saluki]]** is good for those migrating from Windows, with hardware less than 5 years old, Saluki can be highly and easily customised. We recommend a late model PC but it is reported working on older hardware.

Revision [21451]

Edited on 2012-05-01 03:01:05 by CrustyLobster [FatSlacko]
~**[[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']]** is our latest [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official Puppy, it is highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. A Slacko version with a new kernel is almost with us (5.3.3). Also available is a 5.3.3 Puppy Slacko version with ALL the software included [[ FatSlacko]]
~**For efficiency on older hardware try [[Wary Wary 5.3]]**. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel. [[Racy Racy 5.3]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel.
~**[[Saluki]]** is good for those migrating from Windows, with hardware less than 5 years old, Saluki can be highly and easily customised. We recommend a late model PC but it is reported working on older hardware.
~ There is a [[PuppyVersion big list]] of different Puppy versions, also see [[PuppyVersionDevelopment versions under development]].
~**[[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']]** is our latest [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official Puppy, it is highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
~**[[Wary Wary 5.3]]** might be more efficient for older hardware. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel. [[Racy Racy 5.3]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel.
~**[[Saluki]]** is good for those migrating from Windows, with hardware less than 5 years old, it can be highly and easily customised.
~There is a [[PuppyVersion big list]] of different Puppy verisions, also see [[PuppyVersionDevelopment versions under development]].

Revision [21414]

Edited on 2012-04-26 07:44:48 by darkcity [bring index nearer top - make quick guide quick]
~**[[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']]** is our latest [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official Puppy, it is highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
~**[[Wary Wary 5.3]]** might be more efficient for older hardware. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel. [[Racy Racy 5.3]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel.
~**[[Saluki]]** is good for those migrating from Windows, with hardware less than 5 years old, it can be highly and easily customised.
~There is a [[PuppyVersion big list]] of different Puppy verisions, also see [[PuppyVersionDevelopment versions under development]].
==Slacko Compatibility==
~Slacko //is not compatible// with ""Woof1"" built [[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2x Lucid]] - which was our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.
~~Our latest [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official **[[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']]** is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. Slacko //is not compatible// with ""Woof1"" built [[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2x Lucid]] - which was our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.
~~For older hardware **[[Wary Wary 5.3]]** might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel. **[[Racy Racy 5.3]]** combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel.
~~Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows on hardware less than 5 years old and wishing to highly and easily customise, try **[[Saluki]]**.
~Here is a [[PuppyVersion big list]] of different Puppy verisions, also see what Puppy versions are [[PuppyVersionDevelopment under development]].

Revision [21413]

Edited on 2012-04-26 07:34:20 by darkcity [expand - separate dev]
====Puppy Version Index====
==Versions - Quick guide==
~There are a lot of different builds of Puppy, giving you many choices and possibilities:
~~Our latest [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official **[[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']]** is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. Slacko //is not compatible// with ""Woof1"" built [[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2x Lucid]] - which was our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.
~~For older hardware **[[Wary Wary 5.3]]** might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel. **[[Racy Racy 5.3]]** combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel.
~~Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows on hardware less than 5 years old and wishing to highly and easily customise, try **[[Saluki]]**.
~Here is a [[PuppyVersion big list]] of different Puppy verisions, also see what Puppy versions are [[PuppyVersionDevelopment under development]].
~Clean installs are recommended for new Puppy versions, see [[InstallationIndex Installation Index]]
==Long Term Support==
~[[BarryK Barry Kauler]] (Puppy's creator) currently actively supports and maintains [[Wary]] (old hardware) and [[Racy]] (newer hardware), see [[ his blog]] for the latest updates.
~[[InstallationIndex Installation Index]]
~[[PuppyVersionDevelopment Puppy Version Under Development]]
==Related Pages==
~[[ Puppy official page]]
~[[ Barry Kauler's blog]]
===Quick guide===
There are a lot of choices and possibilities within Puppy:
Our latest [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
Slacko //is not compatible// with ""Woof1"" built [[Puppy526 Lucid]] our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.
Clean installs are recommended for new Puppy versions.
For older hardware [[Wary Wary 5.3]] might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
[[Racy Racy 5.3]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel.
Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows on hardware less than 5 years old and wishing to highly and easily customise, try [[Saluki]].
**Long Term Support**
[[Wary]] old hardware [[Racy]] newer hardware
{{color text="New" c="red"}}[[ A version of Slacko with a newer Linux kernel]] is being developed.
{{color text="New" c="red"}}[[ Precise Puppy]] Puppy + Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS Alpha 2
[[]] is recommended for language translators. Important bug fixes and enhancements for better and more complete translation.
Run MoManager and review translations, also you might find more to do in the 'doc_strings' category.
[[SlackoNews Puppy 5.3.3]] 'Slacko' with new kernel
[[Saluki]] create your own distro
[[QtPuppy]] Puppy built around [[Qt]] environment
[[ Drake]] Puppy + Mageia (beta)
[[ Dpup]] Puppy + Debian (alpha)
Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the [[ Raspberry Pi]] motherboard. Precise Puppy (under development, presently for x86) will be available for ARM powered devices, more powerful than the [[PARM Raspberry Pi]].

Revision [21219]

Edited on 2012-04-08 16:48:55 by darkcity [racy wary5.3 out now - maybe move dev to seperate?]
For older hardware [[Wary Wary 5.3]] might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
[[Racy Racy 5.3]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel.
{{color text="New" c="red"}}[[ Precise Puppy]] Puppy + Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS Alpha 2
~-[[Puppy5Index Puppy 5]] Lucid and Slacko
~-[[Racy]] for newer computers
~-[[Wary]] for older computers
~-[[Fatdog]] 64-bit only
For older hardware [[ Wary 5.2]] might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
[[ Racy]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel. [[ Wary/Racy 5.3]] is being developed.
[[ Wary/Racy 5.2.90 (5.3RC3)]]
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[ Precise Puppy]] Puppy + Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS Alpha 2
[[Fatdog]] 64-bit only
~-[[Puppy5Index Puppy 5]]

Revision [21173]

Edited on 2012-04-05 11:12:21 by darkcity [category]

Revision [21170]

Edited on 2012-04-05 11:07:09 by darkcity [upup spup]
~-[[Barebones]] - cut down Puppy version, useful building blocks
~-[[Upup]] - Ubuntu based Puppy versions, including the official [[Puppy526 Lucid]]
~-[[Spup]] - Slackware based pPuppy versions, including the official [[Puppy53 Slacko]]
~-[[Barebones]] - cut down Puppies, useful building blocks

Revision [21157]

Edited on 2012-04-02 21:53:25 by CrustyLobster [Wary/Racy 5.3 RC3 coming . . .]
**Long Term Support**
[[Wary]] old hardware [[Racy]] newer hardware
[[ Wary/Racy 5.2.90 (5.3RC3)]]
**Long Term Support** [[Wary]] old hardware [[Racy]] newer hardware
[[ Wary/Racy 5.2.90 (5.3RC2)]]

Revision [21146]

Edited on 2012-04-02 03:38:36 by CrustyLobster [are]
There are a lot of choices and possibilities within Puppy:
There is a lot of choice and possibilities within Puppy:

Revision [21131]

Edited on 2012-03-30 19:48:05 by CrustyLobster [distro]
[[Saluki]] create your own distro
~-[[Saluki]] - Based on Racy, focusing on user friendlessness
[[Saluki]] create your own distrro
~-[[Saluki]] - Based on Racy focusing on user friendlessness

Revision [21130]

Edited on 2012-03-30 19:24:36 by CrustyLobster [5.3RC2]
Our latest [[Woof 'Woof2']] built official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
Slacko //is not compatible// with ""Woof1"" built [[Puppy526 Lucid]] our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.
Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows on hardware less than 5 years old and wishing to highly and easily customise, try [[Saluki]].
Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the [[ Raspberry Pi]] motherboard. Precise Puppy (under development, presently for x86) will be available for ARM powered devices, more powerful than the [[PARM Raspberry Pi]].
[[ Wary/Racy 5.2.90 (5.3RC2)]]
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
Slacko //is not compatible// with [[Puppy526 Lucid]] which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.
Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows or hardware less than 5 years old [[Saluki]] may be a good choice.
Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the [[ Raspberry Pi]] motherboard. Precise Puppy (under development, runs presently on x86 only) will also be available for ARM powered devices, more powerful than the Raspberry Pi.
[[ Wary/Racy 5.2.90 (5.3RC)]]

Revision [21129]

Edited on 2012-03-30 19:14:38 by CrustyLobster [new Racy link]
[[ Racy]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel. [[ Wary/Racy 5.3]] is being developed.
[[ Racy]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel. [[ Wary/Racy 5.3]] is being developed.

Revision [21106]

Edited on 2012-03-27 02:17:52 by CrustyLobster [Precise Puppy alpha 2]
[[ Wary/Racy 5.2.90 (5.3RC)]]
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[ Precise Puppy]] Puppy + Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS Alpha 2
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[ Precise Puppy]] Puppy + Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS Alpha2

Revision [21103]

Edited on 2012-03-26 18:18:58 by CrustyLobster [create your own distrro]
[[Saluki]] create your own distrro
[[Saluki]] 012 beta developing

Revision [21102]

Edited on 2012-03-26 18:15:58 by CrustyLobster [Precise Puppy alpha2]
Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the [[ Raspberry Pi]] motherboard. Precise Puppy (under development, runs presently on x86 only) will also be available for ARM powered devices, more powerful than the Raspberry Pi.
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[ Precise Puppy]] Puppy + Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS Alpha2
Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the [[ Raspberry Pi]] motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[ Upup]] Puppy + Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS (planned)

Revision [21094]

Edited on 2012-03-25 01:40:54 by CrustyLobster [Precise Puppy alpha2]
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
{{color text="New" c="red"}}[[ A version of Slacko with a newer Linux kernel]] is being developed.
For older hardware [[ Wary 5.2]] might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows or hardware less than 5 years old [[Saluki]] may be a good choice.
Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the [[ Raspberry Pi]] motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.

-Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
-{{color text="New" c="red"}}[[ A version of Slacko with a newer Linux kernel]] is being developed.
-For older hardware [[ Wary 5.2]] might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
-Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows or hardware less than 5 years old [[Saluki]] may be a good choice.
-Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the [[ Raspberry Pi]] motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.

Revision [21093]

Edited on 2012-03-25 01:38:43 by CrustyLobster [Precise Puppy alpha2]
Slacko //is not compatible// with [[Puppy526 Lucid]] which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.
Slacko //is not compatible// with [[Puppy526 Lucid]] which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many of utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.

Revision [21090]

Edited on 2012-03-23 14:24:48 by darkcity [qt pup]
[[QtPuppy]] Puppy built around [[Qt]] environment

Revision [21089]

Edited on 2012-03-23 14:22:17 by darkcity [LupufySlacko package format]
There is a lot of choice and possibilities within Puppy:

-Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
Slacko //is not compatible// with [[Puppy526 Lucid]] which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many of utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package.
Clean installs are recommended for new Puppy versions.
-{{color text="New" c="red"}}[[ A version of Slacko with a newer Linux kernel]] is being developed.
-For older hardware [[ Wary 5.2]] might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
-Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows or hardware less than 5 years old [[Saluki]] may be a good choice.
-Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the [[ Raspberry Pi]] motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.
There is a lot of choice and possibilities within Puppy. Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. Slacko //is not compatible// with [[Puppy526 Lucid]] which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many of utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package. Clean installs are recommended for new Puppy versions.
{{color text="New" c="red"}}[[ A version of Slacko with a newer Linux kernel]] is being developed.
For older hardware [[ Wary 5.2]] might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows or hardware less than 5 years old [[Saluki]] may be a good choice.
Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the [[ Raspberry Pi]] motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.

Revision [21088]

Edited on 2012-03-23 14:18:33 by darkcity [LupufySlacko package]
There is a lot of choice and possibilities within Puppy. Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. Slacko //is not compatible// with [[Puppy526 Lucid]] which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Many of utilities from Lucid are available for Slacko in the LupufySlacko package. Clean installs are recommended for new Puppy versions.
There is a lot of choice and possibilities within Puppy. Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. Slacko //is not compatible// with [[Puppy526 Lucid]] which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Clean installs are recommended for new Puppy versions.

Revision [21057]

Edited on 2012-03-16 07:08:45 by CrustyLobster [New]
{{color text="New" c="red"}}[[ A version of Slacko with a newer Linux kernel]] is being developed.
[[ A version of Slacko with a newer Linux kernel]] is being developed - see below.

Revision [21056]

Edited on 2012-03-16 07:00:45 by CrustyLobster [with new kernel]
[[SlackoNews Puppy 5.3.3]] 'Slacko' with new kernel
[[SlackoNews Puppy 5.3.3]] 'Slacko' ""<acronym title="Release Candidate">RC</acronym>""2 - new kernel

Revision [20991]

Edited on 2012-03-12 23:25:28 by CrustyLobster [Racy]
There is a lot of choice and possibilities within Puppy. Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. Slacko //is not compatible// with [[Puppy526 Lucid]] which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Clean installs are recommended for new Puppy versions.
[[ Racy]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel. [[ Wary/Racy 5.3]] is being developed.
[[]] is recommended for language translators. Important bug fixes and enhancements for better and more complete translation.
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[ Upup]] Puppy + Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS (planned)
There is a lot of chice and possibilities within Puppy. Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. Slacko //is not compatible// with [[Puppy526 Lucid]] which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Clean installs are recommended for new Puppy versions.
[[ Racy]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel. [[ Wary/Racy 5.3]] is being developed.
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[]] is recommended for language translators. Important bug fixes and enhancements for better and more complete translation.

Revision [20986]

Edited on 2012-03-11 21:02:43 by CrustyLobster [Unique configurations of Puppy]
There is a lot of chice and possibilities within Puppy. Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. Slacko //is not compatible// with [[Puppy526 Lucid]] which has been our recommended Puppy for the last two years. Clean installs are recommended for new Puppy versions.
[[ A version of Slacko with a newer Linux kernel]] is being developed - see below.
For older hardware [[ Wary 5.2]] might be more efficient. Puppy Wary is compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
[[ Racy]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel. [[ Wary/Racy 5.3]] is being developed.
Unique configurations of Puppy (puplets) exist. For those migrating from Windows or hardware less than 5 years old [[Saluki]] may be a good choice.
Expected in 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the [[ Raspberry Pi]] motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. [[ A version with newer kernel]] is being developed - see below.
For older hardware [[ Wary 5.2]] might be more efficient. Puppy compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
[[ Racy]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel. [[ Wary/Racy 5.3]] is being developed
Want to get involved in testing the next Puppy? Beta testing Feb 2012 Use [[Saluki]].
Expected March 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the Raspberry Pi motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.
You lucky puppys!
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[ Wary/Racy]] beta

Revision [20894]

Edited on 2012-02-29 22:15:59 by CrustyLobster [Unique configurations of Puppy]
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. [[ A version with newer kernel]] is being developed - see below.
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. [[ A version with newer kernel]] is being developed - see below
[[puppy526 Puppy Lucid 528]] is the previous mature version using Ubuntu compatible binaries.

Revision [20772]

Edited on 2012-02-26 02:32:19 by CrustyLobster []
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. [[ A version with newer kernel]] is being developed - see below
Expected March 2012 is our first port to specific ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the Raspberry Pi motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.
You lucky puppys!
**Long Term Support** [[Wary]] old hardware [[Racy]] newer hardware
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[]] is recommended for language translators. Important bug fixes and enhancements for better and more complete translation.
Run MoManager and review translations, also you might find more to do in the 'doc_strings' category.
[[Saluki]] 012 beta developing
[[ Dpup]] Puppy + Debian (alpha)
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. [[ A version with newer kernel]] is being developed
Expected March 2012 is our first port to specific hardware ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the Raspberry Pi motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.
You lucky dogs!
""<acronym title="Long Term Support">LTS</acronym>"" [[Wary]] old hardware [[Racy]] newer
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[Saluki]] 012 beta developing
[[ Dpup]] Puppy + Debian (Alpha)

Revision [20728]

Edited on 2012-02-23 20:04:09 by CrustyLobster [Developing]
[[SlackoNews Puppy 5.3.3]] 'Slacko' ""<acronym title="Release Candidate">RC</acronym>""2 - new kernel
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[ Wary/Racy]] beta
""<acronym title="Long Term Support">LTS</acronym>"" [[Wary]] old hardware [[Racy]] newer
[[Fatdog]] 64-bit only
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[Saluki]] 012 beta developing
For an alternative guide see [[WhatpuppyLinuxisbestforyou What puppy Linux is best for you]]

Revision [20727]

Edited on 2012-02-23 19:55:21 by CrustyLobster [beta testing Feb 2012]
Want to get involved in testing the next Puppy? Beta testing Feb 2012 Use [[Saluki]].
Expected March 2012 is our first port to specific hardware ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the Raspberry Pi motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.
For an alternative guide see [[WhatpuppyLinuxisbestforyou What puppy Linux is best for you]]
Want to get involved in testing the next Puppy beta testing Feb 2012? Use [[Saluki]].
Expected Feb/March 2012 is our first port to specific hardware ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the Raspberry Pi motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.
For a more detailed guide see [[WhatpuppyLinuxisbestforyou What puppy Linux is best for you]]

Revision [20721]

Edited on 2012-02-21 19:40:15 by CrustyLobster [A version with newer kernel]
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users. [[ A version with newer kernel]] is being developed
[[ Racy]] combines Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel. [[ Wary/Racy 5.3]] is being developed
Expected Feb/March 2012 is our first port to specific hardware ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the Raspberry Pi motherboard. This will lead to further support for other ARM powered devices.
{{image url="" height="100"}}
===Which puppy is right for you?===
Puppy Linux has spawned many different versions. Puppy was developed by [[BarryK Barry Kauler]] who releases or gives permission to release official versions. Puppy makes it easy to create your own personalised versions or [[BowWow Puplets]]. This has led to an explosion in unofficial releases and derivative versions.
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
[[ Racy]] combining Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel
Expected Feb/March 2012 is our first port to specific hardware ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the Raspberry Pi motherboard.

Revision [20681]

Edited on 2012-02-18 09:36:34 by darkcity [64bit and multicore Puppy list]
~[[ 64bit and multicore Puppy list]]

Revision [20640]

Edited on 2012-02-16 18:20:38 by CrustyLobster [64bit and multicore Puppy list]
[[ Drake]] Puppy + Mageia (beta)
[[ Drake]] Puppy+Mageia (beta)

Revision [20619]

Edited on 2012-02-11 13:07:30 by CrustyLobster [Puppy beta testing Feb 2012]
Want to get involved in testing the next Puppy beta testing Feb 2012? Use [[Saluki]].
Expected Feb/March 2012 is our first port to specific hardware ARM hardware with [[PARM]] for the Raspberry Pi motherboard.
You lucky dogs!
Want to get involved in testing the next Puppy for Jan/Feb 2012? Use [[Saluki]]. You lucky dogs!

Revision [20563]

Edited on 2012-02-10 07:45:37 by darkcity [Puppy beta testing Feb 2012]
For a more detailed guide see [[WhatpuppyLinuxisbestforyou What puppy Linux is best for you]]
~[[WhatpuppyLinuxisbestforyou What puppy Linux is best for you]]

Revision [20468]

Edited on 2012-02-04 19:12:44 by darkcity [Puppy beta testing Feb 2012]
~[[ One stop Puppy Version 'shop']]

Revision [20407]

Edited on 2012-02-01 16:51:48 by darkcity [~[[]
~[[ Puppy Linux Repo]] - distro list and host

Revision [20401]

Edited on 2012-02-01 08:55:42 by darkcity [barebones]
~-[[Barebones]] - cut down Puppies, useful building blocks

Revision [20352]

Edited on 2012-01-30 10:48:46 by darkcity [barebones]
~-[[PuppyVersionInformation Show information about your Puppy Version]]
~-[[PuppyVersionInformation How to find the Puppy Version]]

Revision [20345]

Edited on 2012-01-30 09:14:55 by darkcity [saluki -> major]
~-[[Saluki]] - Based on Racy focusing on user friendlessness

Revision [20187]

Edited on 2012-01-04 17:33:14 by darkcity [format]

No Differences

Revision [19838]

Edited on 2011-12-12 04:50:56 by CrustyLobster [You lucky dogs! 5.3.1]
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
Want to get involved in testing the next Puppy for Jan/Feb 2012? Use [[Saluki]]. You lucky dogs!
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
Want to get involved in testing the next Puppy for Jan/Feb 2012? Use [[Saluki]]

Revision [19830]

Edited on 2011-12-11 02:38:48 by CrustyLobster [Saluki]
Want to get involved in testing the next Puppy for Jan/Feb 2012? Use [[Saluki]]

Revision [19787]

Edited on 2011-12-03 16:45:05 by darkcity [brot]
~[[HuPuppy Verziók Magyar (Hungarian)]]
~[[HuPuppy Verziók magyar (Hungarian)]]

Revision [19785]

Edited on 2011-12-03 16:41:52 by darkcity [brot]
~[[Francais Versions en Français (French)]]
~[[Francais Cersions en Français (French)]]

Revision [19784]

Edited on 2011-12-03 16:41:31 by darkcity [brot]
~[[NativeLanguageSupport Native Language Support]]
~[[EsPuppy Versiones en español (Spanish)]]
~[[Francais Cersions en Français (French)]]
**Language Versions**
~[[EsPuppy versiones en español (Spanish)]]

Revision [19749]

Edited on 2011-12-03 07:21:13 by darkcity [shorten name]
~-[[PuppyVersionSuperseded Superseded, Unmaintained and Unsorted]]
~-[[PuppyVersionSuperseded Puppy Version Superseded, Unmaintained and Unsorted]]

Revision [19748]

Edited on 2011-12-03 07:19:56 by darkcity [update]
~-[[PuppyVersionInformation How to find the Puppy Version]]
~-[[PuppyVersionSuperseded Puppy Version Superseded, Unmaintained and Unsorted]]
**Official Version Indexes**
**Language Versions**
~[[EsPuppy versiones en español (Spanish)]]
~[[HuPuppy Verziók magyar (Hungarian)]]
**Major Version Indexes**

Revision [19333]

Edited on 2011-11-01 04:58:59 by CrustyLobster [Slacko is out]
Our latest official [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3 'Slacko']] is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
Our next [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3 'Slacko']] is almost ready and is highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most users

Revision [18891]

Edited on 2011-10-15 10:18:03 by darkcity [Slacko is out]
~-[[PARM Puppy being developed for ARM devices]]

Revision [18870]

Edited on 2011-10-15 01:40:39 by CrustyLobster [Recommended for most users]
Our next [[puppy53 Puppy 5.3 'Slacko']] is almost ready and is highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most users
[[puppy526 Puppy Lucid 528]] is the previous mature version using Ubuntu compatible binaries.
For older hardware [[ Wary 5.2]] might be more efficient. Puppy compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
[[ Racy]] combining Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel
[[ Dpup]] Puppy + Debian (Alpha)
[[puppy526 Puppy Lucid 528]] (stable)
For older hardware [[ Wary]] might be more efficient.
Our next [[puppy53 Puppy 'Slacko']] is being developed. Final version expected Oct 2011
[[ Dpup]] Puppy+Debian Squeeze (Alpha)

Revision [18631]

Edited on 2011-10-08 08:13:30 by CrustyLobster [Oct 2011]
Our next [[puppy53 Puppy 'Slacko']] is being developed. Final version expected Oct 2011
Our next [[puppy53 Puppy 'Slacko']] is being developed. Final version expected end Sept 2011

Revision [18405]

Edited on 2011-10-01 17:54:33 by darkcity [Oct 2011]
{{image url="" height="100"}}

Revision [18404]

Edited on 2011-10-01 17:50:13 by darkcity [pup3]
~-[[Puppy300 Puppy 3]]
~-[[Puppy301 Puppy 3]]

Revision [18402]

Edited on 2011-10-01 17:43:27 by darkcity [pup3]
~-[[Puppy301 Puppy 3]]
~-[[Puppy3 Puppy 3]]

Revision [18385]

Edited on 2011-10-01 06:43:07 by darkcity [pup3]

Revision [18384]

Edited on 2011-10-01 06:41:48 by darkcity [pup3]

No Differences

Revision [18383]

Edited on 2011-10-01 06:41:27 by darkcity [pup3]

Revision [18382]

Edited on 2011-10-01 06:41:01 by darkcity [pup3]

Revision [18381]

Edited on 2011-10-01 06:40:16 by darkcity [pup3]

Revision [18380]

Edited on 2011-10-01 06:39:37 by darkcity [pup3]
**General Information**
**Major Version Indexes**
**Major Derivative Indexes**
==General Information==
==Major Version Indexes==
==Major Derivative Indexes==

Revision [18327]

Edited on 2011-09-29 05:48:14 by darkcity [pup3]
~-[[MacPupIndex MacPup]] - Puppy with [[Enlightenment]] window manager
~-[[DPup]] - Puppy based on Debian
~-[[MacPupIndex MacPup]]

Revision [18222]

Edited on 2011-09-24 15:36:07 by darkcity [puppy laptop]
~-[[PuppyOnLaptops List of Laptops working with Puppy]]

Revision [17787]

Edited on 2011-08-29 05:49:03 by CrustyLobster [Which puppy is right for you?]
===Which puppy is right for you?===
Puppy Linux has spawned many different versions. Puppy was developed by [[BarryK Barry Kauler]] who releases or gives permission to release official versions. Puppy makes it easy to create your own personalised versions or [[BowWow Puplets]]. This has led to an explosion in unofficial releases and derivative versions.
===Quick guide===
[[puppy526 Puppy Lucid 528]] (stable)
Our next [[puppy53 Puppy 'Slacko']] is being developed. Final version expected end Sept 2011
===Which Puppy? Quick guide===
[[puppy526 Puppy 528]] (updated)
[[puppy525 Puppy 525]] (stable) [[ Puppy Lucid updates]]
Our next [[puppy53 Puppy 'Slacko']] is being developed.
====Puppy Version Index====
Puppy Linux has spawned many different versions. Puppy was developed by [[BarryK Barry Kauler]] who releases or gives permission to release official versions. Puppy made it relatively easy to create your own personalised versions or [[BowWow Puplets]]. This has led to an explosion in unofficial releases and derivative versions.
This page points you to information to help you find which version best meets your needs and wants.

Revision [17692]

Edited on 2011-08-25 13:14:41 by darkcity [528]
[[puppy526 Puppy 528]] (updated)

Revision [17467]

Edited on 2011-08-16 17:59:31 by CrustyLobster [Puppy Lucid updates]
[[puppy525 Puppy 525]] (stable) [[ Puppy Lucid updates]]
Our next [[puppy53 Puppy 'Slacko']] is being developed.
[[puppy525 Puppy 525]] (stable) [[puppy526 Puppy 528]] (Release Candidate) - our official releases.
Our next [[puppy53 Puppy 'Spot']] is being developed.

Revision [17445]

Edited on 2011-08-13 07:49:28 by darkcity [Puppy Lucid updates]

Revision [17434]

Edited on 2011-08-13 07:35:02 by darkcity [Puppy Lucid updates]
[[puppy525 Puppy 525]] (stable) [[puppy526 Puppy 528]] (Release Candidate) - our official releases.
[[puppy525 Puppy 525]] (stable) [[puppy526 Puppy 526]] (Release Candidate) - our official releases.

Revision [17431]

Edited on 2011-08-13 03:55:50 by CrustyLobster [Wary 5.1.3]
For older hardware [[ Wary]] might be more efficient.
[[ Drake]] Puppy+Mageia (beta)
[[ Dpup]] Puppy+Debian Squeeze (Alpha)
For older hardware [[ Wary]] might be more efficient.

Revision [17399]

Edited on 2011-08-09 01:15:41 by CrustyLobster [Which Puppy?]
===Which Puppy? Quick guide===
[[puppy525 Puppy 525]] (stable) [[puppy526 Puppy 526]] (Release Candidate) - our official releases.
For older hardware [[ Wary]] might be more efficient.
Our next [[puppy53 Puppy 'Spot']] is being developed.

Revision [17366]

Edited on 2011-08-03 21:16:14 by darkcity [Which Puppy?]
~{{image url="" width="16"}}[[ Puppy Linux Links - Puplets]]
~{{image url="" width="16"}}[[ Puppy Linux Links - Puplets]]

Revision [17365]

Edited on 2011-08-03 21:14:04 by darkcity [Which Puppy?]
~{{image url="" width="16"}}[[ Puppy Linux Links - Puplets]]
~-[[ Puppy Linux Links - Puplets]]

Revision [17356]

Edited on 2011-08-03 20:50:32 by darkcity [Which Puppy?]
~-[[QuirkyIndex Quirky]]

Revision [17249]

Edited on 2011-07-27 16:11:02 by darkcity [add Bruce B page]
==Also see==
~-[[ Puppy Linux Links - Puplets]]

Revision [17248]

Edited on 2011-07-27 15:50:53 by darkcity [add Bruce B page]
~-[[Puppy3 Puppy 3]]
~-[[Puppy1 Puppy 1]]

Revision [17204]

Edited on 2011-07-26 06:00:55 by darkcity [add Bruce B page]
==Major Derivative Indexes==
==Major Derivatives==

Revision [17200]

Edited on 2011-07-26 05:51:56 by darkcity [MacPup]
==Major Derivatives==
~-[[MacPupIndex MacPup]]

Revision [17179]

Edited on 2011-07-25 09:46:57 by darkcity [MacPup]
~-**[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions List]]**
~-[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions List]]

Revision [17085]

Edited on 2011-07-22 06:52:18 by darkcity [MacPup]
~-[[Puppy2 Puppy 2]]

Revision [17063]

Edited on 2011-07-21 13:37:13 by darkcity [MacPup]
~-[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions List]]
~-[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions list]]

Revision [17061]

Edited on 2011-07-21 13:36:39 by darkcity [MacPup]
~-[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions list]]
~-[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions]]

Revision [16844]

Edited on 2011-07-18 06:53:41 by darkcity [puppy 4]
~-[[Puppy4 Puppy 4]]

Revision [16766]

Edited on 2011-07-16 08:45:33 by darkcity [add puppy 5 index]
==Major Version Indexes==
==Major Versions Indexes==

Revision [16765]

Edited on 2011-07-16 08:45:06 by darkcity [add puppy 5 index]
==General Information==
==Major Versions Indexes==
~-[[Puppy5Index Puppy 5]]

Revision [16740]

Edited on 2011-07-15 04:54:55 by darkcity [mend links]
~-[[Reviews Puppy Reviews]]
~-[[Reviews PuppyReviews]]

Revision [16739]

Edited on 2011-07-15 04:54:41 by darkcity [mend links]
~-[[ScreenShots Puppy ScreenShots]]
~-[[PuppyScreenShot Puppy ScreenShots]]

Revision [16738]

Edited on 2011-07-15 04:53:24 by darkcity [meaned links]
~-[[PuppyScreenShot Puppy ScreenShots]]
~-[[PuppyScreenShots Puppy ScreenShots]]

Revision [16737]

Edited on 2011-07-15 04:53:04 by darkcity [mend links]
~-[[PuppyVersion Puppy Versions]]
~-[[PuppyDifferences Puppy Differences]]
~-[[Reviews PuppyReviews]]
~-[[PuppyScreenShots Puppy ScreenShots]]
~-[[PuppyTimeLine Puppy TimeLine]]

Revision [16730]

Edited on 2011-07-15 02:02:09 by CrustyLobster [formatting]
Puppy Linux has spawned many different versions. Puppy was developed by [[BarryK Barry Kauler]] who releases or gives permission to release official versions. Puppy made it relatively easy to create your own personalised versions or [[BowWow Puplets]]. This has led to an explosion in unofficial releases and derivative versions.
Puppy Linux has spawned many different versions. It was developed by [[BarryK Barry Kauler]] who releases or gives permission to release official versions. Puppy made it relatively easy to create your own personalised versions or [[BowWow Puplets]]. This has led to an explosion in unofficial releases and derivative versions.

Revision [16718]

Edited on 2011-07-14 18:15:19 by darkcity [formatting]
Puppy Linux has spawned many different versions. It was developed by [[BarryK Barry Kauler]] who releases or gives permission to release official versions. Puppy made it relatively easy to create your own personalised versions or [[BowWow Puplets]]. This has led to an explosion in unofficial releases and derivative versions.
Puppy Linux has spawned many different versions. It was developed by [[BarryK Barry Kauler]] who releases or gives permission to release official versions. Puppy made it relatively easy to create your own personalised versions or [[Puplets]]. This has led to an explosion in unofficial releases and derivative versions.

Revision [16685]

Edited on 2011-07-14 15:44:34 by darkcity [potential index]
[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]]
[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex]]

Revision [16684]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-07-14 15:43:01 by darkcity [potential index]
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