Revision [20352]

This is an old revision of PuppyVersionIndex made by darkcity on 2012-01-30 10:48:46.


Homepage > PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version


Which puppy is right for you?

Puppy Linux has spawned many different versions. Puppy was developed by BarryK Barry Kauler who releases or gives permission to release official versions. Puppy makes it easy to create your own personalised versions or BowWow Puplets. This has led to an explosion in unofficial releases and derivative versions.

Quick guide

Our latest official puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1 'Slacko' is out and highly Slackware compatible. Recommended for most new users.
puppy526 Puppy Lucid 528 is the previous mature version using Ubuntu compatible binaries.
For older hardware Wary 5.2 might be more efficient. Puppy compiled in Puppy using a mature kernel.
Racy combining Wary and the up to date 3.04 Linux kernel
Want to get involved in testing the next Puppy for Jan/Feb 2012? Use Saluki. You lucky dogs!

Drake Puppy+Mageia (beta)
Dpup Puppy + Debian (Alpha)

General Information

Official Version Indexes


Major Derivative Indexes
  • DPup - Puppy based on Debian
  • Saluki - Based on Racy focusing on user friendlessness


Also see
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