Revision [21798]

This is an old revision of PuppySchoolRaspberryPi made by CrustyLobster on 2012-06-12 00:08:09.


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Puppy School - RaspberryPi

Puppy is going back to his roots. Booting from SD. Moving to a new processor. Making every bit count. Join the Puppy geek adventure for 2012. Woof Woof

What is Puppi?
Puppi is Puppy running on the Raspberry Pi ARM motherboard

What Puppi centric news is available?
Python, Puppy and Raspberry Pi blog from Antiloquax and Lobster
Once Puppy is solidly on Pi, we will add drivers for PARM other PARM devices


What is the plan for Puppi?

How reliable is the hardware?
Class 4 SD cards don't work reliably with the RP
go for Class 6 card or above

How soon before Puppi is on the Raspberry Pi?
Guys our worst developer - that would be me, Lobster, has two Rpi boards. The first came two days before general release. Debian, Fedora and Arch have had boards six months ahead of us. More able developers such as Barry, Raffy, Sickgut, Antiloquax (two boards), MarkG, John Murga (has board) and others have boards on order or just arriving.
The Raspberry Puppi is part of PARM.
We are making Puppy available for ARM processors, tablets and smart dog and bones

How do I get an operating system for my Raspberry Pi NOW?
Mark (antiloquax) is working on an ARCH based Puppy in Qemu
We are recommending using Puppi Debian and PuppiArch Arch process to get started/familiar
This base info will help bootstrapping a Puppi distro
Debian Squeeze for Raspberry Pi contains some Puppy familiar programs, such as Geany and Leafpad
Direct Gentoo link requires 8 Gig SD card

Can I have a step by step setup tutorial?

How do I burn the Debian Image; the downloadable .img with Puppy?
In Puppy Slacko and most modern Puppys, click on the downloaded Squeeze zip
The zip will extract.
Move to unzipped image directory, open a console by
right clicking and select new terminal. Type
	# dd bs=1M if=debian6-19-04-2012.img of=/dev/sdc

The part debian6-19-04-2012.img is the operating system image and if you have a later image
replace with the updated image name

And for ArchLinux?
	dd bs=1M if=archlinuxarm-27-03-2012.img of=/dev/sdc

login root
password root
No Window manager just cli
type help to get started

Are there other distros to try on the RPi whilst awaiting Puppi?
Raspbian tweaked Debain used and suggested by John Murga
Redsleeve not tested

New Can I burn SD img files from a Mac?

How to do I use Mtpaint screenshot?
See the info on installing favourite Puppy programs
When installed Mtpaint is in your LX menu under graphics
The screenshot facility in Mtpaint is under File/Actions/Time delayed screenshot

What the ffffffffff?
If you are getting strange auto-repeats or other weird behaviour try plugging the USB keyboard or other device directly into the Rpi, or use a powered hub.

What if I am American?

Any Youtube tutorials?

Can I have Raspberry PI FAQS?
After developers, testers and users have Pi hardware, we can move towards the first mainstream ARM Raspberry Puppi ISO
Puppy artwork (already available), wiki and forum support etc.

Which Raspberry Pi Foundation resources should I use?
Join Pi forum Pi thread
Join Raspberry_Pi on twitter for news as it happens

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