Revision [31934]

This is an old revision of Puppy7 made by darkcity on 2018-03-16 15:44:29.


Homepage > PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version


Puppy 7 Index

Xenialpup 7.5 CE Released December 4, 2017 (Announcements: Distro Watch, Puppy Linux Blog; Forum Threads: 32Bit, 64Bit, Older4.1 Kernal)
Slacko7 Slacko 7.0 (Under Development): forum threads: slacko-700 rc3

Also on This Wiki
PuppyTimeLine Puppy Timeline
PuppyVersion Puppy Versions (AKA The Big List)
PuppyVersionSuperseded Puppy Versions Superseded (For Historical Reference)

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