Revision [9333]

This is an old revision of Puppy6 made by CrustyLobster on 2010-09-16 19:39:54.



Puppy 6 'Saluki' forum thread

Project leader Jemimah
Developers Ttuuxxx, Joe (big Bass), Technosaurus

'The kernel makes the OS the packages make the distro
creative people make it happen in real time'

Puppy 6 'Saluki' potential bases:
Dpup, Pup'nGo, TXZ-pup, Wary

'Puppy from Scratch'
Back to basics
Smaller iso
Recompiled packages


Step 1
Iso and devx to remaster from

Puppy Goals:
* Load and run totally in RAM
* Easily install to USB, Zip or hard drive media.
* Run from CD or DVD
* Booting from CD or DVD, save everything back to the CD
* Booting from USB Flash drive, minimise writes to extend life indefinitely
* Extremely friendly for Linux newbies
* Boot up and run extraordinarily fast
* Have all the applications needed for daily use
* Will just work, no hassles
* Will breathe new life into old PCs

Potential Features:
Puppy Base Layout
Every Puplet and wooflet uses slightly different layout of menus
for consistency we will try to establish a 'standard'
Control center
There are several control centers - in dpup, Dude etc
Browser choice, window manager choice
for dialog and other messaging - Puppy Fun

5.1 to 6
Puppy from Scratch
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