Revision [30379]

This is an old revision of Puppy5Index made by darkcity on 2014-10-13 09:47:24.



HomePage > PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version > Puppy5Index Puppy5


Puppy 5 Index

At the beginning of the 5xx series, the paradigm shifted to Puppy being built from and compatible with packages from other distros. Although, compatibility hasn't always been 100%.

Thus it satisfied various user needs for access to the package repository of a major distribution, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two options where created, Precise (Ubuntu compatible) maintained by BarryK and Slacko (5.3+, Slackware compatible) maintained by Micko and the community.

There is also the older Lucid Puppy (5.0 - 5.29, Ubuntu compatible) whose lead developer was Playdayz.

PrecisePuppy - Ubuntu compatible maintained by BarryK
Slacko - Slackware maintained by Micko and the community

Lucid - older Ubuntu compatible, maintained by Playdayz.

Also on the Wiki
Spup - Slackware compatible index
Upup - Ubuntu compatible index

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