Revision history for Puppy5Index
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}
~There is also the older, now nonofficial, Lucid Puppy (, Ubuntu compatible) maintained by RErwin but whose lead developer (5.0 - 5.29) was [[Playdayz]].
~[[Lucid]] - older Ubuntu compatible, developed by [[Playdayz]] and maintained by [[RErwin]].
~[[Lucid]] - older Ubuntu compatible, developed by [[Playdayz]] and maintained by [[RErwin]].
~[[Lucid]] - older Ubuntu compatible, maintained by [[Playdayz]].
~At the beginning of the 5xx series, the paradigm shifted to Puppy being built from and compatible with packages from other distros. Although, compatibility hasn't always been 100%.
~Thus it satisfied various user needs for access to the package [[repository]] of a major distribution, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two options where created, [[Precise]] (Ubuntu compatible) maintained by BarryK and [[Slacko]] (5.3+, Slackware compatible) maintained by [[Micko]] and the community.
~There is also the older Lucid Puppy (5.0 - 5.29, Ubuntu compatible) whose lead developer was [[Playdayz]].
~Thus it satisfied various user needs for access to the package [[repository]] of a major distribution, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two options where created, [[Precise]] (Ubuntu compatible) maintained by BarryK and [[Slacko]] (5.3+, Slackware compatible) maintained by [[Micko]] and the community.
~There is also the older Lucid Puppy (5.0 - 5.29, Ubuntu compatible) whose lead developer was [[Playdayz]].
~There is also the older Lucid Puppy (5.0 - 5.29, Ubuntu compatible) whose lead developer is [[Playdayz]].
{{include tonguesPuppy5Index}}
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}
~Satisfying various user needs for access to the [[repository]] of a major distribution, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two options exist the version, [[Precise]] (Ubuntu compatible) maintained by BarryK and [[Slacko]] (5.3+, Slackware compatible) maintained by [[Micko]] and the community.
~There is also the older Lucid Puppy (5.0 - 5.29, Ubuntu compatible) whose lead developer is [[Playdayz]].
~[[PrecisePuppy]] - Ubuntu compatible maintained by BarryK
~[[Slacko]] - Slackware maintained by [[Micko]] and the community
~[[Lucid]] - older Ubuntu compatible, maintained by [[Playdayz]].
~[[Spup]] - Slackware compatible index
~[[Upup]] - Ubuntu compatible index
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}
~Satisfying various user needs for access to the [[repository]] of a major distribution, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two options exist the version, [[Precise]] (Ubuntu compatible) maintained by BarryK and [[Slacko]] (5.3+, Slackware compatible) maintained by [[Micko]] and the community.
~There is also the older Lucid Puppy (5.0 - 5.29, Ubuntu compatible) whose lead developer is [[Playdayz]].
~[[PrecisePuppy]] - Ubuntu compatible maintained by BarryK
~[[Slacko]] - Slackware maintained by [[Micko]] and the community
~[[Lucid]] - older Ubuntu compatible, maintained by [[Playdayz]].
~[[Spup]] - Slackware compatible index
~[[Upup]] - Ubuntu compatible index
~Satisfying various user needs for access to the [[repository]] of a major distribution, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two community-made flavors exist, Lucid Puppy (5.0 - 5.29, Ubuntu compatible) and Slacko Puppy (5.3+, Slackware compatible). The choice of which distro's repository to use is down to lead developer, [[Playdayz]] for Lucid and [[Micko]] for Slacko.
==Puppy 5.3+ Slacko==
~**[[Puppy54 Slacko Puppy 5.4]]** - Slackware 14 compatibility
~-[[Puppy533 Slacko Puppy 5.3.3]] - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries newer kernel, stable release
~-[[Puppy53 Slacko Puppy 5.3.1]] - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries, superceded
==Slacko Derivatives ==
~-[[FatSlacko]] - common software added
~-[[ThinSlacko]] - stripped down
==Puppy 5-5.29 Lucid==
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy Lucid 5.2.8]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries
~-**[[LupuLibre LupuLibre 5.2.8]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries + LibreOffice
~-[[Puppy529 Puppy 5.2.9]] - experimental version with newer kernel than Lucid
~-[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.6]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy525Retro]] - older kernel and drivers from Puppy 4.3.1
~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - stable release Lucid (common version)
~-[[Puppy521 Puppy 5.2.1]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy52 Puppy 5.2]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy511 Puppy 5.1.1]] - superseded Lucid (common version)
~-[[Puppy51 Puppy 5.1]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy501 Puppy 5.0.1]] - superseded Lucid
==Lucid Derivatives==
~-[[Puppy528JP]] - Japanese language version
~-[[Polarpup]] includes IceWM, [[Qt]] and newer kernel (2.6.39-3)
~-LupQ - Lucid Puppy ""QuickSet"" edition
~-[[LupufySlacko]] Collection of utilities from Puppy 5.2x Lucid for Puppy 5.3 Slacko
==Lucid Info==
~-[[LucidHelp Puppy5.2x Lucid Help]]
~-[[LucidDevelopers Lucid Developers]]
~[[Slacko Slacko Index]]
==Related Webpages==
~[[ Slacko 5.3x Homepage]]
~Satisfying various user needs for access to the [[repository]] of a major distribution, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two community-made flavors exist, Lucid Puppy (5.0 - 5.29, Ubuntu compatible) and Slacko Puppy (5.3+, Slackware compatible). The choice of which distro's repository to use is down to lead developer, [[Playdayz]] for Lucid and [[Micko]] for Slacko.
~Satisfying various user needs for access to the [[repository]] of a major distribution, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two major community made flavors exist Lucid Puppy (5.0 - 5.29, Ubuntu compatible) and Slacko Puppy (5.3+, Slackware compatible). The choice of which distro's repository to use is down to lead developer, [[Playdayz]] for Lucid and [[Micko]] for Slacko.
==Puppy 5.3+ Slacko==
~**[[Puppy54 Slacko Puppy 5.4]]** - Slackware 14 compatibility
~-[[Puppy533 Slacko Puppy 5.3.3]] - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries newer kernel, stable release
~-[[Puppy53 Slacko Puppy 5.3.1]] - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries, superceded
==Slacko Derivatives ==
==Puppy 5-5.29 Lucid==
~-[[Puppy529 Puppy 5.2.9]] - experimental version with newer kernel than Lucid
==Lucid Derivatives==
==Lucid Info==
~[[Slacko Slacko Index]]
~[[ Slacko 5.3x Homepage]]
==Puppy 5.3+ Slacko==
~**[[Puppy54 Slacko Puppy 5.4]]** - Slackware 14 compatibility
~-[[Puppy533 Slacko Puppy 5.3.3]] - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries newer kernel, stable release
~-[[Puppy53 Slacko Puppy 5.3.1]] - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries, superceded
==Slacko Derivatives ==
==Puppy 5-5.29 Lucid==
~-[[Puppy529 Puppy 5.2.9]] - experimental version with newer kernel than Lucid
==Lucid Derivatives==
==Lucid Info==
~[[Slacko Slacko Index]]
~[[ Slacko 5.3x Homepage]]
~Satisfying various user needs for access to the [[repository]] of major distributions, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two flavours exist Lucid ubuntu based up to version 5.29 and Slacko slackware based version 5.3.
==Puppy 5 Version==
~-**[[Puppy533 Puppy 5.3.3]]** - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries newer kernel, stable release
~-[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1]] - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries, superceded
~-[[Puppy529 Puppy 5.2.9]] - experimental version with newer kernel Lucid
**Slacko 5.3x Deriatives**
**Lucid 5.2x Derivatives**
**Lucid Info**
~[[ Slacko Homepage]]
==Also on the Wiki==
==Related Webpages==
~[[ Slacko Homepage]]
==Related Webpages==
~[[ Slacko Homepage]]
~Satisfying various user needs for access to the [[repository]] of major distributions, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two flavours exist Lucid ubuntu based up to version 5.29 and Slacko slackware based version 5.3.
{{image url="" title="lucid and slacko" alt="lucid and slacko"}}
~-**[[Puppy533 Puppy 5.3.3]]** - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries newer kernel, stable release
~-[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1]] - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries, superceded
**Slacko 5.3x Deriatives**
~-[[FatSlacko]] - common software added
~-[[ThinSlacko]] - stripped down
**Lucid 5.2x Derivatives**
~-[[Puppy528JP]] - Japanese language version
~-[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1]] - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries, superceded
**Slacko 5.3x Deriatives**
~-[[FatSlacko]] - common software added
~-[[ThinSlacko]] - stripped down
**Lucid 5.2x Derivatives**
~-[[Puppy528JP]] - Japanese language version
~-**[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1]]** - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries, stable release
~-[[Puppy533 Puppy 5.3.3]] - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries newer kernel, release candidate
~-**[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1]]** - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries, stable release
~-**[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1]]** - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries, stable release
Revision [21229]
Edited on 2012-04-12 05:00:44 by darkcity [split luplibre onto own page, add ver.num 4 lucid]Additions:
~-**[[LupuLibre LupuLibre 5.2.8]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries + LibreOffice
Revision [21228]
Edited on 2012-04-12 04:59:48 by darkcity [Split lupuLibre onto own page + add Lucid V number]Additions:
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy Lucid 5.2.8]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries
~-**[[LupuLibre LupuLibre 5.2.8-005]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries + LibreOffice
~-**[[LupuLibre LupuLibre 5.2.8-005]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries + LibreOffice
~-**[[LupuLibre LupuLibre 5.28-005]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries + LibreOffice
Revision [21227]
Edited on 2012-04-12 04:58:08 by darkcity [Split lupuLibre onto own page + add Lucid V number]Additions:
~-**[[LupuLibre LupuLibre 5.28-005]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries + LibreOffice
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy Lucid]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries
~-**[[LupuLibre 5.28-005]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries + LibreOffice
~-**[[LupuLibre 5.28-005]]** Lucid Puppy + Ubuntu binaries + LibreOffice
LupuLibre 528.005-1 with LibreOffice 3.5.2 ->
~-**[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1]]** - Slacko, Puppy + Slackware binaries
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy Lucid]]** Puppy + Ubuntu binaries
LupuLibre 528.005-1 with LibreOffice 3.5.2 ->
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy Lucid]]** Puppy + Ubuntu binaries
LupuLibre 528.005-1 with LibreOffice 3.5.2 ->
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.8 004]]** - Lastest Lucid - ubuntu based
~-[[Polarpup]] includes IceWM, [[Qt]] and newer kernel (2.6.39-3)
~-LupQ - Lucid Puppy ""QuickSet"" edition
~-LupQ - Lucid Puppy ""QuickSet"" edition
~-[[LupufySlacko]] Collection of utilities from Puppy 5.2x Lucid for Puppy 5.3 Slacko
~-[[LupufySlacko]] Collection of utilities from Puppy 5.2x Lucid for Puppy 5.3 Slacko
~-[[Polarpup]] includes IceWM, [[Qt]] and newer kernel (2.6.39-3).
**Lucid Info**
~-[[Polarpup]] includes IceWM, [[Qt]] and newer kernel (2.6.39-3).
**Lucid Info**
~-[[Puppy525Retro]] - older kernel and drivers from Puppy 4.3.1
~-[[Puppy529 Puppy 5.2.9]] - experimental version with newer kernel Lucid
~-[[Puppy529 Puppy 5.2.9]] - experimental version with newer kernel
~-[[LucidDevelopers Lucid Developers]]
~-[[LucidDevelopers Lucid Developers]]
~-**[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3.1]]** - Slacko - slackware based
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.8 004]]** - Lastest Lucid - ubuntu based
~-[[LucidHelp Puppy5.2x Lucid Help]]
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.8 004]]** - Lastest Lucid - ubuntu based
~-[[LucidHelp Puppy5.2x Lucid Help]]
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.8]]** - Lastest Lucid - ubuntu based
Satisfying various user needs for access to the [[repository]] of major distributions, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed. Two flavours exist Lucid ubuntu based up to version 5.29 and Slacko slackware based version 5.3.
~-**[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3]]** - Slacko - slackware based
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.8]]** - Lastest Lucid - ubuntu based
~-[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.6]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - stable release Lucid (common version)
~-[[Puppy521 Puppy 5.2.1]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy52 Puppy 5.2]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy511 Puppy 5.1.1]] - superseded Lucid (common version)
~-[[Puppy51 Puppy 5.1]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy501 Puppy 5.0.1]] - superseded Lucid
~-**[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3]]** - Slacko - slackware based
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.8]]** - Lastest Lucid - ubuntu based
~-[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.6]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - stable release Lucid (common version)
~-[[Puppy521 Puppy 5.2.1]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy52 Puppy 5.2]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy511 Puppy 5.1.1]] - superseded Lucid (common version)
~-[[Puppy51 Puppy 5.1]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy501 Puppy 5.0.1]] - superseded Lucid
~-[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3]] - next release
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.8]]** - Current Release
~-[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.6]] -
~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - Stable Release (common version)
~-[[Puppy521 Puppy 5.2.1]] - superseded
~-[[Puppy52 Puppy 5.2]] - superseded
~-[[Puppy511 Puppy 5.1.1]] - superseded (common version)
~-[[Puppy51 Puppy 5.1]] - superseded
~-[[Puppy501 Puppy 5.0.1]] - superseded
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.8]]** - Current Release
~-[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.6]] -
~-[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.6]] -
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.6]]** - Current Release
~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - Stable Release (common version)
~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - Stable Release (common version)
~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - superseded (common version)
~-**[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.6]]** - Current Version
~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - superseded (common version)
~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - superseded (common version)
~-**[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - latest release**
==Also see==
~[[PuppyTimeLine Puppy Time Line]]
~[[PuppyTimeLine Puppy Time Line]]
~-[[Puppy511 Puppy 5.1.1]] - superseded (common version)
====Puppy 5 Index====
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
~-**[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - latest release**
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
==Puppy 5==
Satisfying various user needs for access to the [[repository]] of major distributions, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed.
==Puppy 5 Version==
~-[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3]] - next release
~-[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.6]] - cutting edge test release
**~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - latest release**
~-[[Puppy521 Puppy 5.2.1]] - superseded
~-[[Puppy52 Puppy 5.2]] - superseded
~-[[Puppy51 Puppy 5.1]] - superseded
~-[[Puppy501 Puppy 5.0.1]] - superseded
==Puppy 5==
Satisfying various user needs for access to the [[repository]] of major distributions, while retaining the Puppy minimalist philosophy, usability and speed.
==Puppy 5 Version==
~-[[Puppy53 Puppy 5.3]] - next release
~-[[Puppy526 Puppy 5.2.6]] - cutting edge test release
**~-[[Puppy525 Puppy 5.2.5]] - latest release**
~-[[Puppy521 Puppy 5.2.1]] - superseded
~-[[Puppy52 Puppy 5.2]] - superseded
~-[[Puppy51 Puppy 5.1]] - superseded
~-[[Puppy501 Puppy 5.0.1]] - superseded
[[ Created]] with [[Woof Puppy Woof]], Puppy compiled programs
and binaries from Lucid, Maverick and Natty Ubuntu