Revision [16768]

This is an old revision of Puppy51 made by darkcity on 2011-07-16 08:55:06.


HomePage > PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version > Puppy5Index Puppy5
5.1 logo

Coordinator Larry Short (Playdayz)
Main Developer Mick Amadio (01Micko)
Art Director Warren Willson (WhoDo)
Testers listed here

getting started video
Distrowatch mini review part of 3 distros reviewed
'Lucid Dreams' video promo created with Lucid 5.1
Puppy 5.1 latest development news
LucidScreenshots from beta development
promo video Beta version


There are three areas of enhancement to Lucid Puppy 5.1.1. One, it is built with the Woof (Puppy Build System) released on August 22. This has a number of enhancements over the July 10 version used in LP 5.1, including: transmit and receive cumulative totals in the network tray icon, refinements to Smbclinet and smbexplorer, and more support for dial-up modems. Two, the default internal browser has been changed to a splendidly small version of Midori built by Puppy’s technosaurus. Three, there are a number of bugfixes included from Instant Update 003 (for 5.1): provides libjpeg7, laptop function keys, configures Sylpheed email, fixes USB bootflash, links fsck, Arabic and Hebrew fonts, links to libfaad and libx264 for xfce, browser link to Lupu News
Release info

Lucid 5.1.1 ->
6e34d1bcdad74df7d6352a6d672522ec lupu-511.iso

Superseded by Puppy525.


Puppy comes with a simple browser
and then lets you choose from the best:
FireFox, Opera, Chrome or Seamonkey
QuickPet has some of the best programs
available, even more in the Puppy package manager:
eg. GoogleEarth, Kompozer, Inkscape, Sunbird, Cinelerra and Audacity
Puppy has never been ostentatious
but we have two great window managers
and loads of great backgrounds and icon choices
for all your poodle parlour needs
We keep you connected
to the best penguin community outside Antarctica

5.1 logo

Is Puppy Lucid 5.1 based on Ubuntu?
Puppy is his own dog
We have a 'woof' building system
that allows us to build Puppy from the kernel
and binaries of other distros (pre compiled programs and libraries)
Puppy can be built from Ubuntu, Debian, Slackware, Arch and t2
with unique Puppy scripts, wizards and optimisation.

Does Puppy Lucid 5.1 use some Ubuntu files?
Yes indeed.
Puppy uses his own packaging systems (quickpet and pet)
Configuration and programs are Puppy specific
Lucid adds the tested efforts of some popular Ubuntu binaries.

How should Puppy Lucid be run?
Any which way you like
Once in memory, Puppy is fast whatever the method.
Run from DVD, CD, USB keydrive, SD, Hard Drive
or even in multi-session self auditing format
(files and updates saved on CD or DVD)


Puppy52 Puppy 5.2 . . . coming soon
Puppy6 Puppy 6 . . . coming . . .

Programming and compiling Devx add on

5d38669ca9be6572489450b470eea0c5 lupu_devx_511.sfs

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