Revision history for Printers

Revision [20059]

Last edited on 2012-01-03 08:33:53 by darkcity
Please see [[PrintersScanners Printers and Scanners]]
[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]] > [[Printers]]
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text" height="120"}}
==== Printer Index ====

Information about how-to use printers in Puppy Linux.

Installation and configuring OS
~-[[CUPS C.U.P.S. Common Unix Printing System]]
~-[[GutenPrint GutenPrint Drivers]]
~-[[Gtklp Gtklp (mtpaint compatible)]]
~-[[Printing Printing Links]]

==Also see==
[[ How to Install Your Printer/Scanner in Quirky/Lupu/Slacko thread]]

Revision [18534]

Edited on 2011-10-04 14:05:22 by darkcity [forum thread]
==Also see==
[[ How to Install Your Printer/Scanner in Quirky/Lupu/Slacko thread]]

Revision [18115]

Edited on 2011-09-19 13:09:32 by darkcity [forum thread]
==== Printer Index ====
==== Component and ""HowTo"" Index ====

Revision [18114]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-09-19 13:09:06 by darkcity [forum thread]
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