Revision history for Petihar54

Revision [28488]

Last edited on 2013-08-10 15:42:43 by darkcity
{{include tonguesPetihar54}}
[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex|Puppy Versions]]
Based on "precise puppy" - ISO 159 MB
It was "in the drawer" for a long time ...
She struggled to get out!
After hundreds of hours of work and with the help of several friends, especially Pierrick and Jerome, the finally here.
[[Petihar54]] < - - - French fork
^ [[PuppyPrecise Precise]] < [[Puppy526 Lucid]] < [[Upup]] < [[Puppy5Index Puppy 5]]
~[[ Petihar]]
||[[DePetihar54 de]]::[[ElPetihar54 ε&#955]]::[[Petihar54 en]]::[[EsPetihar54 es]]::[[FrPetihar54 fr]]::[[HuPetihar54 hu]]::[[NlPetihar54 nl]]::[[JaPetihar54 Nihongo]]::[[PlPetihar54 pl]]::[[PtPetihar54 pt]]::[[RuPetihar54 р&#1091]]::[[SvPetihar54 sv]]::[[ViPetihar54 tiếng Việt]]::[[ZhPetihar54 zh]]||
[[FrPetihar54 Petihar54]] < - - - French Puppy Branch
^ [[PuppyPrecise Precise]] < [[Puppy526 Lucid]] < [[Upup]] < [[Puppy5Index Puppy 5]] < [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]] < [[HomePage]]

Revision [25763]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2013-02-05 15:47:32 by oui
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