Revision history for PPD

Revision [21871]

Last edited on 2012-06-13 16:35:32 by darkcity
~[[PrintersScanners Printing and Scanning Index]]

Revision [21870]

Edited on 2012-06-13 16:35:01 by darkcity
~[[ PPD files are NOT drivers post]]
~[[ CUPS 1.4.3 does not need to keep a permanent store of Gutenprint PPD files]]
~~[[ PPD files are NOT drivers post]]
~~[[ CUPS 1.4.3 does not need to keep a permanent store of Gutenprint PPD files]]

Revision [21869]

Edited on 2012-06-13 16:34:43 by darkcity
==== PPD ====
~**PPD** files (not to be confused with drivers) are just text configuration files. If you go to a manufacturer's web site and download a Linux printer package, you will see that there is much more to it than just a PPD file.
~~[[ PPD files are NOT drivers post]]
~~[[ CUPS 1.4.3 does not need to keep a permanent store of Gutenprint PPD files]]
==== File Types Index ====
~Information about different files used in Puppy Linux.
~**Puppy Specific File Types**
~~-[[SaveFile Save File]] - AKA 'Pup Save' stores updates, in a frugal installation.
~~-[[BaseSFS BaseSFS, PupSfs]] - [[SquashFS SFS]] file containing [[RootFs linux directory structure]], in a frugal installation.
~~-[[Devx]] - [[SquashFS SFS]] containing standard Puppy compiling tools
~**Package File Types**
~~-[[Pets PET]] - Puppy software packages, loaded into SaveFile
~~-[[SquashFS SFS]] - Puppy software package, read-only, loaded as file-system layer
~~-[[DEB]] - Debian/Ubuntu software packages, generally compatible with Puppy 5.2x Lucid
~**General File Types**
~~-[[BIN]] - executable program files
~~-[[SquashFS SFS]] - read only compressed file system
~~-[[TAR]] - compressed files
~~-[[TXZ]], [[TXZ tar.xz]] - files using [[xz]] compression
~~-[[TGZ]], [[GZ]], [[GZ tar.gz]] - files using [[gz]] compression
~**Document Files**
~~-[[PPD]] - printer configuration files
~~-[[PDF]] - portable document file
~~-[[DjVu]] - stores scanned documents
~-[[RootFs]] - linux directory structure
~-[[SoftwarePackageNaming Software Package Naming Convention]]
~-[[File]] - File identification software
~-[[AssociateFiles]] - How Associate filetypes
~-[[HowToAvoidLoadingSaveFile How to avoid loading SaveFile]]
==Related Pages==
~[[WikiPedia:Linux_comparison#Package_management_and_installation Linux Package Management comparison]]
~[[ How Puppy Works page]]

Revision [21868]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2012-06-13 16:34:09 by darkcity
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