Revision history for Mounting
{{image url="" title="filetype icon" alt="filetype icon"}}
~In order to be able to view the contents of a partition or an image file, it must be mounted first.
~Under Puppy, partitions can be mounted through [[desktop]]. However, in order to mount image files, you'll have to click them in [[ROX-Filer]].
~When you no longer want access to the contents of a partition or an image file, you can unmount it.
~Under Puppy, partitions can be unmounted through desktop, but image files can be unmounted by clicking them in ROX-Filer.
~In order to be able to view the contents of a partition or an image file, it must be mounted first.
~Under Puppy, partitions can be mounted through [[desktop]]. However, in order to mount image files, you'll have to click them in [[ROX-Filer]].
~When you no longer want access to the contents of a partition or an image file, you can unmount it.
~Under Puppy, partitions can be unmounted through desktop, but image files can be unmounted by clicking them in ROX-Filer.
~A wizard for creating [[SwapFile swap files]].
~For more information see this [[ following thread]]