Revision [32622]

This is an old revision of MMView made by Darry on 2019-09-01 17:28:40.


A file manager by MochiMoppel

" This recent thread about the undocumented chooser widget brought up the question: What can it be used for?

Not much, as it seems. Among the only 7 scripts in Slacko 5.6 which use it, only Nathan's wallpaper app uses it for image previews. All others use it as a simple file picker.

I take this as a challenge to build something more useful.
Ever since I used TotalCommander, a 2-pane file manager, I liked the Quickview feature: A file list in one pane and the content of the selected file in the other pane. For image files it would be a representation of the image, for text files it would be the file content, for zip files the content of the zip container. With add-ons other file formats may be readable/viewable. "

Main Features of MMview
Supports common text formats
Supports most image formats, incl. RAW formats
Supports common audio/video formats (displays metadata, requires ffprobe or avprobe)
Supports common file compression formats
Supports eBook format EPUB
Supports directories (displays disk usage, sizes of subdirectories)
Supports executables (displays usage message)
Supports virtual files in /proc and /sys (for geeks!)
Search function
Command line interface
File create/rename/move/copy/delete
Horizontal or vertical layout
Fullscreen mode
Line wrapping
Line numbers
Can display file properties, MD5 checksums, ID3 tags of audio files
Can display image metadata (Exif, IPTC , XMP)
Can play audio files (requires ffplay or avplay)
Can play video files in separate window (requires ffplay or avplay)
Displays full paths, MIME types and charsets
Starts with last used directory and last used window size
Provides keyboard shortcuts for most actions
ROX-Filer compatible: "Open With ..." menu
ROX-Filer compatible: Shift+! opens shell command box
ROX-Filer compatible: Dblclick or Enter/Space key opens file in its default application
ROX-Filer compatible: Selecting file sends its full path to PRIMARY buffer

Built-in standard features (but nevertheless noteworthy)
Drag'n'drop from Chooser to Desktop: Creates desktop shortcut
Drag'n'drop from Chooser to ROX-Filer: Copies file (while pressing Shift: moves file)
Drag'n'drop from ROX-Filer to Chooser: Jumps to the file in list (changes chooser's directory as needed)
Entering first letter of a file name jumps to the file in list

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