Revision [19341]

This is an old revision of Lobster made by CrustyLobster on 2011-11-02 06:37:13.


Recently been running releases of puppy526 Lucid 526 and Puppy53 Puppy 5.3 'Slacko' - just about to use the Dpup exprimo in preparation for PARM
I was happy to start the Puppy page on wikipedia, start the first IRC channel, develop our first news wiki, now archived, podcast and promos, do an OpenUniversity Open University course using open software and so on. Some of these projects are now mature and widely supported and used. Lately been creating TutorialYouTube vids using Openshot

ed.jason AT
or PM on John Murgas forum

Example Involvement
Puppy Web based presentation This was my first one . . .


I am not really a coder but occasionally . . .
Started programming for PuppyVOIP
Some code incorporated in Quickpet


I am a YinYana Buddhist. Recently took up running.

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