Recently been running Puppy533 Puppy 5.3.3 'Slacko' and started PuppySchool
I was happy to start the Puppy page on wikipedia, start the first IRC channel, develop our first news wiki, now possibly archived, create early logos, podcasts and promos and so on. Some of these projects are now mature and widely supported and used. Lately been creating TutorialYouTube vids using Openshot and gearing up for the move to the ARM CPU

Example Involvement


I am not really a coder but occasionally . . .
Started programming for PuppyVOIP
Some code incorporated in Quickpet


I am a YinYana Buddhist and operative alchemist.

ed.jason AT gmail.com

Comment by darkcity
2012-04-05 07:58:52
Clicking on Wary09's page title revealed nothing link to it

'There are no backlinks to this page.'

So I deleted.

Btw did you see my comment on PuppyVersionIndex

Jon ; -)
Comment by CrustyLobster
2024-07-19 20:48:55
hi jon/darkcity

I am on the wiki with the name CrustyLobster but remember nothing about this footer thing ... ?

Comment by CrustyLobster
2024-07-19 20:54:23
The PM on the old forum will no longer work, John died.

I no longer use this email - in fact I have been blocked for 'security reasons' on gmail
ed.jason AT gmail.com

can be contacted on the new forum (which I have barely used)
and at cructacean2@protonmail.com

Hope you are still about ...
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