Revision [804]

This is an old revision of JeyRey made by CrustyLobster on 2009-09-05 23:07:00.


User page for JeyRey

My name is Josh Reynolds, my normal nickname is J_Rey, but my Wiki name is JeyRey. I'm a young guy living in Northwest Florida, U.S.A. (Central Time Zone). If you need to, you can contact me with a Private Message (PM) through a forum or in our PuppyLinuxIRC IRC chatroom or using jjr6742 with both Yahoo Messenger and AIM or Send me an IM!or use Jey_Rey with Skype (both as normal user and as MySpaceIM user) or just ask and I'll give you my e-mail for Windows Live (MSN) Messenger or even my normal e-mail if you prefer that.

Well, I've been using and somewhat actively following Puppy Linux since the very end of 2004. I decided to try it out when I was looking for a small distro to put on my USB flash drive. Since then I've been hooked. :-) I used to dual-boot Puppy Linux (and derivatives) and Windows 98 SE for years, now I often use different computers so its not as frequent.

I can sometimes be found on our PuppyLinuxIRC IRC channels chatting and giving assistance. On my free time, I contribute to and keep up with PuppyLinuxMainPage the wiki, each forum, the site, the documentation pages, other Puppy Linux web pages and help testing out Puppy Linux. Now as far as titles go, I'm just a volunteer like most of us, but I am a channel admin (IRCop) on our IRC channels, have admin access to our site, am a member of the Puppy Linux Documentation Committee, am the primary administrator at our temporary now unofficial Puppy Linux Discussion Forum, and was elected to be the interim secretary of the FoundationHistory Puppy Linux Foundation. Now that last sentence sounds better on a résumé, doesn't it? ;-) Yes, I do have a life outside of Puppy Linux and computers, though. I toy with the idea of going into computers for a career (I'm thinking of possibly starting out with getting an A+ Certification), but I haven't decided for sure when/where/how. Currently I am employed with a major travel agency in one of their customer service call centers.


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