Revision history for Gtkwialog

Revision [32590]

Last edited on 2019-08-20 17:21:08 by Darry
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Revision [32075]

Edited on 2018-08-10 13:14:17 by darkcity [format]
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~**""GtkWiallog""** is a fork of [[Gtkdialog]] by forum member Wiak.

~//"Being a fork with diverged functionality gtkwialog has been given a different code name hence users can choose to use either legacy gtkdialog or this new gtkwialog as they see fit. People who want to run legacy shell/gtkdialog apps that export bash functions, and who do not want to modify them, will want to either continue using legacy gtkdialog or use gtkwialog in legacy mode (which is provided in gtkwialog for backwards compatability)."//

==Related webpages==
~[[ Gtkwialog project]]
~[[ Gtkwialog continuing development information]]

Here is a fork of Gtkdialog by forum member Wiak -"Being a fork with diverged functionality gtkwialog has been given a different code name hence users can choose to use either legacy gtkdialog or this new gtkwialog as they see fit. People who want to run legacy shell/gtkdialog apps that export bash functions, and who do not want to modify them, will want to either continue using legacy gtkdialog or use gtkwialog in legacy mode (which is provided in gtkwialog for backwards compatability)."

Revision [32053]

Edited on 2018-07-13 02:31:21 by Darry [format]

Revision [32028]

Edited on 2018-05-29 07:12:56 by Darry [format]
Here is a fork of Gtkdialog by forum member Wiak -"Being a fork with diverged functionality gtkwialog has been given a different code name hence users can choose to use either legacy gtkdialog or this new gtkwialog as they see fit. People who want to run legacy shell/gtkdialog apps that export bash functions, and who do not want to modify them, will want to either continue using legacy gtkdialog or use gtkwialog in legacy mode (which is provided in gtkwialog for backwards compatability)."
Here is a fork of Gtkdialog by forum member Wiak -"People who want to run legacy shell/gtkdialog apps that export bash functions, and who do not want to modify them, will want to either continue using legacy gtkdialog or use gtkwialog in legacy mode (which is provided in gtkwialog for backwards compatability)."

Revision [32027]

Edited on 2018-05-29 06:16:26 by Darry [format]
Here is a fork of Gtkdialog by forum member Wiak -"People who want to run legacy shell/gtkdialog apps that export bash functions, and who do not want to modify them, will want to either continue using legacy gtkdialog or use gtkwialog in legacy mode (which is provided in gtkwialog for backwards compatability)."
Here is a fork of Gtkdialog by forum member Wiak -"Being a fork with diverged functionality gtkwialog has been given a different code name hence users can choose to use either legacy gtkdialog or this new gtkwialog as they see fit. People who have legacy shell/gtkdialog apps , who do not wish to modify them, will want to continue using legacy gtkdialog."

Revision [32026]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2018-05-29 05:06:38 by Darry [format]
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