Revision [10095]
This is an old revision of FrequentlyAskedQuestions made by coolpup on 2010-10-24 04:51:46.
How does one use Puppy?
How does one install Puppy to a U.S.B. flash drive?
How does one install software?
How does one remove programs from a live DVD?
In Puppy 4.3.0+ go to: Menu > Setup > Remaster Puppy. In Puppy 4.2.1 use the "Remaster Slimmer" feature of Remaster Express: Menu > Setup > Remax
Where can one get the latest version of Adobe Flash Player for Linux?
How does one install a full office productivity suite?
How does one upgrade/install SeaMonkey/Opera/Firefox/Iron?
How does one setup a wireless connection?
How does one install the latest video drivers??
How does one create desktop icons and modify its appearance?
How does one setup Puppy to be as secure as possible?
How does one get a partition to mount automatically at boot-up?
How does one compile?
By default, all partitions are mounted through the mount binary, which in turn, will only mount NTFS partitions as read-only. To get around this, first unmount (umount) the target ntfs partition, then use ntfsmount to mount it. Ntfsmount uses similar syntax to mount, therefore, ntfsmount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 will successfully mount the first partition on drive sda to said sda1 folder.
Where does one get more Answers?