Revision history for Eclipse

Revision [23636]

Last edited on 2012-09-01 10:21:02 by darkcity
~**Eclipse** is a software development environment for a whole host of programming languages and platforms.
~Download a package from the following thread-
~[[ Eclipse SDK 3.7.2 SFS for Puppy 4.3x+]]
~Eclipse is written primarily in Java, so you'll need a package for the [[JavaRuntimeEnvironment JRE]] to run it.
~[[ Eclipse Wiki]]
~[[ Eclipse homepage]]
~[[ TheAsterisk (packager) homepage]]
**Eclipse** is a software development environment for a whole host of programming languages and platforms.
Download a package from the following thread-
[[ Eclipse SDK 3.7.2 SFS for Puppy 4.3x+]]
Eclipse is written primarily in Java, so you'll need a package for the [[JavaRuntimeEnvironment JRE]] to run it.
~[[ Eclipse Wiki]]
~[[ Eclipse homepage]]
~[[ TheAsterisk (packager) homepage]]

Revision [20940]

Edited on 2012-03-04 06:39:35 by darkcity
[[ Eclipse SDK 3.7.2 SFS for Puppy 4.3x+]]
[[ Eclipse SDK 3.7.2 SFS for Puppy 4+]]

Revision [20923]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2012-03-02 14:20:46 by CrustyLobster
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