Revision history for DirectoryStructure

Revision [30507]

Last edited on 2014-11-01 17:53:55 by darkcity [tidy]
{{include tonguesDirectoryStructure}}
[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]] > [[RootFS]]
====""Further information on the Linux directory structure (RootFS)""====
==The Linux Filesystem Hierarchy==
~In the Linux operating system, all filesystems are contained within one directory hierarchy. The root directory is the top level directory, and all its subdirectories make up the directory hierarchy. This differs to other operating systems such as MS-Windows which applies a separate hierarchy for each device and partition.
~The Linux directory hierarchy at a glance--- The following directories are contained within the structure:
~Top level directory--- /
~Subdirectories--- bin sbin lib usr var boot dev etc home mnt proc root tmp lost+found opt
~The Linux Filesystem Hierarchy--- Listed below are the directories contained within the root filesystem.
~/--- The Linux filesystem has the root directory at the top of the directory tree. The following list of directories are subdirectories of the root directory. This directory is denoted by the / (pronounced "slash") symbol. To view the list of directories from the root directory, enter the following in the command line:
~$ls /--- You will see a list of subdirectories outputed to the screen. All these directories are explained below.
~/bin--- Contains executable programs such as ls and cp. These programs are designed to make the system usable. Programs within /bin are required for system repairing. Some of the files located in the /bin directory include:
==Shell programs==
==Related Webpages==
~[[ Introduction to the Linux File System]]
~[[ Linux File Structure]]
~[[ Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)]]
**Linux Directory Structure**
The Linux Filesystem Hierarchy
In the Linux operating system, all filesystems are contained within one directory hierarchy. The root directory is the top level directory, and all its subdirectories make up the directory hierarchy. This differs to other operating systems such as MS-Windows which applies a separate hierarchy for each device and partition.
The Linux directory hierarchy at a glance--- The following directories are contained within the structure:
Top level directory--- /
Subdirectories--- bin sbin lib usr var boot dev etc home mnt proc root tmp lost+found opt
The Linux Filesystem Hierarchy--- Listed below are the directories contained within the root filesystem.
/--- The Linux filesystem has the root directory at the top of the directory tree. The following list of directories are subdirectories of the root directory. This directory is denoted by the / (pronounced "slash") symbol. To view the list of directories from the root directory, enter the following in the command line:
$ls /--- You will see a list of subdirectories outputed to the screen. All these directories are explained below.
/bin--- Contains executable programs such as ls and cp. These programs are designed to make the system usable. Programs within /bin are required for system repairing. Some of the files located in the /bin directory include:
Shell programs
[[ Introduction to the Linux File System]]
[[ Linux File Structure]]
[[ Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)]]

Revision [15442]

Edited on 2011-06-14 17:14:28 by coolpup [tidy]

Revision [9547]

Edited on 2010-09-27 05:48:07 by CrustyLobster [Linux File Structure link]
[[ Introduction to the Linux File System]]
[[ Linux File Structure]]
[[ Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)]]
The hier(7) man page.--- * Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)--- *

Revision [7764]

Edited on 2010-06-20 14:10:05 by coolpup [Linux File Structure link]
The hier(7) man page.--- * Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)--- *
* The hier(7) man page.--- * Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)--- *

Revision [2626]

Edited on 2009-10-23 07:37:18 by Puppyite [Linux File Structure link]

Revision [1641]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-09-30 12:43:10 by Puppyite [Linux File Structure link]
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