Revision [4485]

This is an old revision of Debianization made by tgp1994 on 2009-11-25 12:34:34.



"Debianization" is my coined term for debianizing, or installing lots of debian packages, onto puppy. I don't have any specific reason for doing this, other than research and trying to build puppy up to a debian distro. I have encountered many problems along the way, so if you find one that is not addressed in here, please visit this topic and post about it.




  1. You have to manually fill the sources.list file in (/etc/apt/sources.list). Google "Debian sources.list" (I will post it directly some other time.)
  1. DO NOT use puppy's .deb extractor; instead open each .deb file you manually download with pupzip and extract them to the root of your hard drive. (Subnote: Not to the /root folder, but to the (/) root of your hard drive.)

Possible problems and solutions

Problem: When booting, it says Starting up..., then init: applet not found. The kernel panicks.

Cause: Your busybox binary file has been overwritten, with what seems like a debian version.

1. Boot up puppy in LiveCD mode.
2. Access /bin, (and not in your broken hard drive, but the ramdrive.)
3. Find busybox, and copy it to the /bin folder in your broken hard drive.
4a. If there are differences in file sizes, you are on the right track. Overwrite it, reboot, enjoy.
4b. If there is no difference in file size, then there is something else wrong. Sorry, but I wouldn't know what else.

Problem: While installing a package, you get a console error reading; "tempfile: command not found."

Cause: Generally occurs while configuring base-passwd.

Solution: None found yet. May have something to do with python or perl.
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