Revision history for Cluster

Revision [23092]

Last edited on 2012-08-07 16:51:49 by darkcity [link cats]
[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]]

Revision [20192]

Edited on 2012-01-05 11:55:03 by CrustyLobster [Cluster Pup v2]
[[ Cluster Pup v2, by Master_wrong]]- Puppy 5.2 + Beowolf, pxe boot
Possibility to make your own 64 bit cluster....

Revision [20191]

Edited on 2012-01-04 23:30:31 by CrustyLobster [formatting]
[[ New forum thread]]
old threads by Everitt, & NickBiker, both toying with Cluster computing using Puppy
Anyone interested, & know anything about clustering/xen paravirtualisation?
big_bass's Slaxer_pup with SMP enabled & Barry has suggested SCSI booting is still a future possible, it got me thinking about clustering again [old servers needing a purpose Wink ]
I found old threads by Everitt, & NickBiker, both toying with Cluster computing using Puppy
I know Lobster did a matrix pup graphic, and Everitt mis-spelled Matrix...but....
However both seem to have disappeared Sad
Anyone know what happened to them, or with any code/ISO's they may have done?
Anyone else interested, & know anything about clustering/xen paravirtualisation?
Reason for asking, now that I'm trying big_bass's Slaxer_pup with SMP enabled & Barry has suggested SCSI booting is still a future possible, it got me thinking about clustering again [old servers needing a purpose Wink ]
Anyone else interested?

Revision [20190]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2012-01-04 22:16:18 by CrustyLobster [formatting]
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