Revision [21361]

This is an old revision of ChatRoomTranslate made by darkcity on 2012-04-25 16:28:48.


HomePage > Community

Puppy Linux IRC Rules

Use of the Freenode-hosted channel is subject to Freenode's policies and guidelines.

Please also observe the few rules below (Yes, we need these, no one is exempt):
    1. Be polite - no abusive or obscene language will be tolerated.
    1. Respect the users in the chat. Operators (admins) are indicated with the color Green or an @ symbol next to their nick, private message them about issues with other users (note this is the only time you may break rule 4)
    1. If you are unsure about anything related to IRC ask questions, we will assist you to the best of our abilities.
    1. Sending unsolicited Private Messages is not allowed. (But it is fine if you ask politely to PM first and your offer is accepted.)
    1. If you think you were treated unfairly or have other major issues, please send a Private Message via the main forum to JeyRey J_Rey or an e-mail to Anacari (AKA T260G/^Cricket^) at kenji @ (Note: We will at least need the Nick of the person whom you wish to log a complaint against.) The other operator that can help with daily issues is Dejan (AKA daysleeper555/dejan555 - email: dejan at b0x dot me
    1. Personal bots are not allowed. Ask for an exception; if an exception is made then it must have a '_bot' tag appended to the Nick. Any bot without it will be kicked.
    1. Cloning, i.e. more than one client logged in from the same address, is also discouraged especially if on the same computer.
    1. To promote community & goodwill - Off-topic chatting is permitted if it doesn't directly affect support on #puppylinux irc channel.
    1. Multiple conversations & all languages are welcome. If there is more than one conversation going on at the same time please address the person to whom you are speaking, e.g. J_Rey: How many was there?


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