Revision [8729]

This is an old revision of CategoryMultimedia made by coolpup on 2010-08-15 12:19:00.


The following 200 page(s) belong to CategoryMultimedia

abcde [abcde]
aften [Aften]
alsa [ALSA]
alsalib [alsa-lib]
alsamixer [AlsaMixer]
alsaplayer [AlsaPlayer]
alsautils [alsa-utils]
Amarok [Amarok]
aqualung [Aqualung]
Ardour [Ardour]
asunder [Asunder]
ATIdriver [A T Idriver]
audacious [Audacious]
audacity [Audacity]
audio [Further Audio Information]
audiofile [Audio File Library]
audiohardware [Show Audio Hardware configuration]
avidemux [Avidemux]
BaconRecorder [Bacon Recorder]
bashburn [BashBurn]
Blender [Blender]
Bombono [Bombono]
cclive [cclive]
cdda2wav [cdda2wav]
cddiscid [cd-discid]
cdparanoia [Cdparanoia]
cdrkit [cdrkit]
cdrtools [cdrtools]
CineLerra [CineLerra]
Clementine [Clementine]
cmus [cmus]
datacrow [datacrow]
deadbeef [deadbeef]
devede [DeVeDe]
dirac [dirac]
dvdauthor [DVDAuthor]
DVDStyler [DVDStyler]
easytag [EasyTAG]
esound [Enlightened Sound Daemon]
exaile [Exaile]
faac [FAAC]
faad [FAAD]
FFConvert [FFConvert]
ffmpeg [FFmpeg]
flac [FLAC]
flburn [flburn]
freeglut [freeglut]
fxmoviemanager [FxMovieManager]
GetFlash [GetFlash]
gnash [Gnash]
GnomeMPlayer [Gnome MPlayer]
gogglesmm [gogglesmm]
gstreamer [Gstreamer]
GtkYoutubeViewer [Gtk Youtube Viewer]
Gxine [gxine]
handbrake [HandBrake]
HowToBlankCD [How to blank a re-writable CD or DVD]
HowToMultimedia [Mutlimedia How To Index]
icedax [icedax]
imagination [Imagination]
ISOMaster [ISO Master]
jack [JACK Jack Audio Connection Kit]
kino [Kino]
LADSPA audio effects [L A D S P A audio effects]
lame [Lame]
liba52 [liba52]
libaacplus [libaacplus]
libaacs [libaacs]
libao [libao]
libasound [libasound]
libass [libass]
libav [libav]
libbluray [libbluray]
libburn [libburn]
libcddb [libcddb]
libcdio [libcdio]
libdc1394 [libdc1394]
libdca [libdca]
libdiscid [libdiscid]
libdrm [libdrm]
libdvdcss [libdvdcss]
libfaac [libfaac]
libffado [FFADO]
libflashplayer [libflashplayer]
libgstinterfaces [libgstinterfaces]
libgstreamer [libgstreamer]
libisofs [libisofs]
liblrdf [liblrdf]
libmac [libmac]
libogg [libogg]
librtmp [RTMPDump]
libsndfile [libsndfile]
libspeex [libspeex]
libtheora [libtheora]
libvoaacenc [vo-aacenc]
libvorbis [libvorbis]
libvpx [libvpx]
libxavs [libxavs]
libxv [libxv]
lsdvd [lsdvd]
lxdvdrip [lxdvdrip]
lxmusic [LXMusic]
mesa [Mesa]
mhwaveedit [mhwaveedit]
minimp3 [minimp3]
Minitube [Minitube]
mkisofs [mkisofs]
mlt [MLT]
mocplayer [MOC]
movgrab [movgrab]
MP3Gain [MP3Gain]
mp3splt [mp3splt]
mpg123 [mpg123]
mpg321 [mpg321]
mplayer [MPlayer]
mplayer2 [mplayer2]
multimedia [Multimedia Filetypes]
MuseScore [Muse Score]
nas [nas]
neroaac [Nero AAC Codec]
NtEd [Nt Ed]
OggVorbis [Ogg Vorbis]
openal [OpenAl]
opencoreamr [opencoreamr]
openshot [openshot]
opus [opus]
opustools [opus-tools]
Pburn [Pburn]
PburnOlderVersions [Pburn Older Versions]
pcdripper [PCdRipper]
Pencil [Pencil]
pmusic [About ◦ [[pmusicDoc|Documentat]
pmusicAbout [About]
pmusicChangelog [Changelog]
pmusicDisclaimer [Disclaimer]
pmusicDoc [Documentation]
pmusicDocMetatags [Metatags]
pmusicDocSearch [Searching in pMusic]
pmusicFrontends [Frontends]
pmusicHistory [History]
pmusicInstall [Install]
PortAudio [Port Audio]
Precord [Precord]
pulseaudio [PulseAudio]
PuppyStudio [Puppy Studio]
pvideo [pvideo]
qdvdauthor ['Q' DVD-Author]
QjackCtl [QjackCtl]
QTractor [Qtractor]
rakarrack [rakarrack]
RealPlayer [Real Player]
RecordingWithAudacity [Recording with Audacity]
Retrovol [Retrovol]
ripperx [Ripperx]
RippingOpticalMedia [Ripping Optical Media from the commandline]
roaraudio [RoarAudio]
rosegarden [rosegarden]
rufus [Rufus]
schroedinger [schroedinger]
Screencast [Screencast]
SDL [sdl]
secretrabbitcode [Secret Rabbit Code]
SMPlayer [SMPlayer]
SoftwareMultimedia [Multimedia Software Index]
SoundSystem [Sound system Index]
sox [SoX]
SwfTools [SwfTools]
taglib [TagLib]
Tano [Tano]
TestingMultimedia [Testing Multimeda]
thoggen [thoggen]
timidity [timidity]
transcode [transcode]
umplayer [umplayer]
unplug [Unplug]
UsingJack [Using Jack]
utvideo [UtVideo]
v4lutils [v4l-utils]
VideoConvertors [Video Convertors]
virtualdub [virtualdub]
vlc [VLC]
vlcgtk [VLC-GTK]
voaacenc [vo-aacenc]
voamrwbenc [vo-amrwbenc]
vobcopy [vobcopy]
vorbistools [vorbis-tools]
wavpack [WavPack]
WavRec [Recording with wavrec command]
WildMidi [Wild Midi]
wxsvg [wxSVG]
x264 [x264]
xf86videoati [xf86-video-ati]
xfburn [Xfburn]
xineDVD [XineDVD]
xinelib [xine-lib]
xvid [Xvid]
youtubedl [youtube-dl]
yt-dlp [yt-dlp]
zarfy [Zarfy]

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