Revision [28455]

This is an old revision of About made by darkcity on 2013-08-10 13:56:34.



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About Puppy Linux

Puppy Linux, started by Barry Kauler, is a small, fully featured Linux distribution. Puppy works swiftly on older systems and is a delight on modern computers including netbooks and ThinPCs. Puppy boots to a familiar environment for ex-Windows users. Puppy is regularly updated and is well supported and documented.

If booting from DVD or CD, Puppy carries on working even after the CD is removed. Run Puppy from a flash card, or hard disk or USB keydrive/flash drive or a recordable CD/DVD, saving and updating your files on the CD-R or DVD-R. Puppy runs from RAM memory with applications such as the Seamonkey web browser, AbiWord word processor, gFTP client, Gnumeric spreadsheet and a superior set of programs with more available as simple free downloads. Applications start in the blink of an eye and respond to users instantly. This is Linux the way it can be.

Barry has created the impetus for Puppy melded with major choice Linux distributions. Emerging for our new kennel breeds are Ubuntu, Slackware, Debian and other Puppy version 5 developments. The code is open, the attitude is good. Puppy can only get bigger but it will be a puppy for ever. So cute. So frisky. So get Puppy!

"The real Puppy, the mascot for Puppy Linux, was a very tiny dog, a Chihuahua, but totally fearless. He didn't seem to know that he was vulnerable because of his small size. Once when my sister was visiting my country property, she brought her Blue Heeler, a very solid middle-sized dog named Muti. We were out walking, and suddenly there was a substantial rustling of branches of a large bush, something was in or behind the bush. Muti took fright and ran back behind the legs of my sister, whereas Puppy got into launch position in front of the bush and barked furiously. It turned out to be my dad playing a trick on the dogs. Puppy used to chase kangaroos and other big wild animals. Anyway, Puppy Linux is like that, reckless, unshackled, in memory of the mascot, even though we know there's some risk."

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