Wiki source for xdialog
[[HomePage]] > [[SoftwareIndex Software Index]] > [[SoftwareDevelopment Development]] > [[Xdialog]]
~**Xdialog** is designed to be a drop in replacement for the "dialog" or "cdialog" programs. It converts any terminal based program into a program with an X-windows interface.
~See the [[Xdialog examples|]] page for code examples.
==Also on Wiki==
~[[HowToProgramming Programming Index]]
==Related Webpages==
~[[ xdialog homepage]]
~**Xdialog** is designed to be a drop in replacement for the "dialog" or "cdialog" programs. It converts any terminal based program into a program with an X-windows interface.
~See the [[Xdialog examples|]] page for code examples.
==Also on Wiki==
~[[HowToProgramming Programming Index]]
==Related Webpages==
~[[ xdialog homepage]]