Wiki source for wine
[[HomePage]] > [[SoftwareIndex Software Index]] > [[SoftwareVirtualization Virtualization]]
~**WINE** allows many Microsoft Windows programs to run under Linux. Check the project's website for a database of known compatible programs. WINE Is Not an Emulator - its a compatibility layer.
~Install an appropriate package:
~~[[ Wine - 1.2 to 1.7.35 PET]] packaged by [[green_dome]] AKA version2013
~~[[ Wine - 1.7.22 SFS or PET]] packaged by [[stemsee]]
~~[[ Wine - 1.7.35 rt SFS or PET]] packaged by [[l0wt3ch]] - RT (real time) version for low latency (good for audio recording)
~~[[ Puppy4-compiled package]]
~~[[ Slackware-compiled package]] packaged by [[Coolpup]]
~+[[bzip2]],+[[fontconfig]],+[[gnutls]],+[[grep]],+[[libgphoto2]],+[[libmpg123|libmpg123 (mpg123)]],+[[libpng]],+[[openldap]],+[[tar]]
==Also on the Wiki==
==Related Webpages==
~[[ WINE homepage]]
~[[ WINE compatible program list]]
~[[ binary]]
~[[ source code distribution]]]
~**WINE** allows many Microsoft Windows programs to run under Linux. Check the project's website for a database of known compatible programs. WINE Is Not an Emulator - its a compatibility layer.
~Install an appropriate package:
~~[[ Wine - 1.2 to 1.7.35 PET]] packaged by [[green_dome]] AKA version2013
~~[[ Wine - 1.7.22 SFS or PET]] packaged by [[stemsee]]
~~[[ Wine - 1.7.35 rt SFS or PET]] packaged by [[l0wt3ch]] - RT (real time) version for low latency (good for audio recording)
~~[[ Puppy4-compiled package]]
~~[[ Slackware-compiled package]] packaged by [[Coolpup]]
~+[[bzip2]],+[[fontconfig]],+[[gnutls]],+[[grep]],+[[libgphoto2]],+[[libmpg123|libmpg123 (mpg123)]],+[[libpng]],+[[openldap]],+[[tar]]
==Also on the Wiki==
==Related Webpages==
~[[ WINE homepage]]
~[[ WINE compatible program list]]
~[[ binary]]
~[[ source code distribution]]]