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[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]] > [[Security]]

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====Root, Spot and Fido user accounts====
~Puppy Linux typically is a single user OS. The single user is run as the ##root## account with full [[privileges]]. This is equivalent to being the administrator in Windows. That is there is no file a user can't modify (unless its read only) and no command that is prohibited.
~It has been argued that running as root is not significantly less secure that running with other user accounts with less privileges.
~Some Puppy versions also come with ##spot## and/or ##fido## accounts that don't have root privileges. ##spot## can be used to run browser and other networking software to add an extra level of security. ##fido## is a non-root account.

~##spot## is not a normal user, you don't login as user spot. Instead, you bootup in the normal way as the root user, but you can choose to run some Internet applications as the restricted user spot.
~This means that you have unfettered access to your local system, all the benefits of root, no hassles with file/directory ownerships and permissions, no restrictions on access to all hardware.
~However, networking software such as [[Seamonkey]] (browser, Composer, mail&news, IRC-chat suite) can be run as spot.
~The home directory for spot is ##/root/spot## and Seamonkey will only be able to (normally) edit/create/write files inside /root/spot.
~With spot, you have the best of both worlds. Freedom in your local system, a restricted user for Internet access.
~Note, Puppy offers only [[Didiwiki]] personal blog running as spot and [[Seamonkey]] optionally running as spot -- you can choose your level of web-browsing danger, via the Login and Security Manager in the System menu.

~##fido## is a full non-root login account, similar to other Linux distros. However, it's home directory is ##/root## (which may indeed seem peculiar, but there is a reason for it). As with other distros, you would use 'su' or 'sudo' to perform administrator activities.
~fido always requires administrator password to perform administrator-level operations.
~fido is offered as an option at the first shutdown of Puppy, when you are creating a save-file for the session. If you opt for fido, at next bootup you will be automatically logged in as fido. Note though, fido is not quite mature, so not yet recommended to be used.

==Fatdog 64==
~FatDog64 features all Internet applications running as spot.

==Also on the Wiki==
~[[MultiUser]] - Puppy versions set up for more than one user
~[[AttackPup]] - Puppy for network testing
~[[PenetrationTesting penetration testing]] - network testing
~[[Privacy]] - Keeping your information private
~[[WatchDog]] - Puppy for securing your home

==Related Webpages==
~[[ About root, spot and fido (]]
~[[ I'm logged in as root? (fatdog)]]
~[[ Fear Not Root (IgnorantGuru's Blog)]]
~[[ Multi user support in Puppy]] - Comment by [[NathanF]]
~[[ Introducing 'fido' (Barry's blog)]]
~[[ More on 'fido' (Barry's blog)]]
~[[ How to use Spot restricted user thread]]
~[[ Fixing 'fido' thread]]
~[[ 'Fido' and 'Spot' for Beginners thread]]
~[[ Security in Puppy Linux: running as Root thread]]
~[[ Running as Root - tallboy's post]]
~[[ Puppy GROWL thread]]
~[[ Lobster security podcast]]

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