[[HomePage]] > [[SoftwareIndex|Software Index]] > [[SoftwareMultimedia|Multimedia]] > [[pMusic]] > [[pMusicDoc|Documentation]] {{image url="http://www.smokey01.com/zigbert/pmusic/wiki/pmusic_heading.png" link="pmusic" title="pMusic" alt="pMusic" height="80"}} =====Metatags===== pMusic reads meta-information from many different file types, and adds the information to the [[http://web.archive.org/web/20160913060503/http://blog.puppylinux.com/?viewDetailed=00024| DB]] for later usage. You can edit these meta-tags with 2 different tools inside pMusic: ~ ~ ~The **Trackinfo** dialog offers a simple way to read and edit the tags embedded with the file. ~If file misses tag(s), pMusic will search for track info at [[https://musicbrainz.org/ Musicbrainz.orgĀ ]]. ~ ~{{image url="http://www.smokey01.com/zigbert/pmusic/wiki/docMetatags_1.png"}} ~ ~ ~The **Masstagger** found in the Tools menu offers option to tag several files in one operation. ~You can import the entire playqueue or sourcelist to the tagger, but note that right-clicking on a file(s) in the main gui gives you the option to send this/these to the masstagger. ~ ~{{image url="http://www.smokey01.com/zigbert/pmusic/wiki/docMetatags_2.png"}} ==={{color text="Technically" c="green"}}=== ~pMusic writes tags defined in the [[http://id3.org/Home|id3]] protocol version 2.3. BUT, it stays close to [[http://id3.org/ID3v1|version 1.1]] of this standard. ~The benefits of lending towards id3v1 compared to id3v2 are: ~~- that many file formats (ie. aac, ape, wma...) supports the same tags (tag-names) as used in id3v1, so the tagging-tool in pMusic can be straightforward. Including extra tags from the id3 version 2 protocol would heavily complicate both code and gui. ~~- that ffmpeg uses the same metadata code for these basic tags for different file-types, and it makes my tagging-code simple as well. ~While pMusic reads id3 ver 1.1, it does not follow version 1.1 strictly when in comes to the writing the genre tag. pMusic writes the genre tag as a text-sting rather than a number (as in id3v1). This because text-string is common for other file-formats. Id3 verison 2 supports strings in the genre tag (as well as numbers). ~[[https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=FFmpeg_Metadata|ffmpeg metadata documentation]] ---- ==Categories== CategoryMultimedia CategorySoftware