Revision [31241]

This is an old revision of pmusicDisclaimer made by zigbert on 2016-08-24 04:15:14.


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pMusic offers tools to download data from the web.
This includes music, podcasts, radio programs, lyrics, album art and album playlists.
Depending on your home country, these features could have legal issues.
The pMusic authors have no responsibility for illegal usage of any kind.

"This expanding way of ripping music may lead to 'strong legal debates' in a near future, even if it is permitted to record music from the radio for private use in most countries."

"It's up to you to decide whether the practice of downloading video content from YouTube is morally correct.
We won't go into depth over the ins and outs of online piracy here, suffice to say that in order to stay on the right side of the law, any content you do download from the web, for which you do not own the copyright, must be for your personal use only. You must not distribute or financially benefit from that content. It must also come with the express permission of the copyright owner."
Is it legal download youtube videos (

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